Killer Idea

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Killer Idea

"JEN" I screamed bounding off the scarlet train and sprinting towards my best friend, crushing her into my arms I hugged her tightly.

"Rock..... Can't breath" she laughed making my release her and flick my blond hair over my shoulder, looking her over I smiled.

"Look I know I have that effect on you.... Just breath into a paper bag or something" I smirked to see her glare at me and pull me towards the carriages.

So the carriages look like they are pulled by nothing but in reality they are pulled by black and bony horse type creatures I will have ask Jen what they are called, more pressing matters on my mind at the moment.

"Sooo I was lying in bed thinking about Snape.... What don't look at me like that" I growled seeing her eyes widen and then a smile fall onto her pale rose lips.

"So you were in bed thinking about Professor Snape" she continued and I looked behind to see Snape's head spin around and then he was walking towards us.

Uh oh I am in trouble, or am I?

"Yeah... Don't you think he is so sexy?" I gushed seeing him freeze behind Jen and raise an eyebrow while glaring at me.

"I have to agree he is SO sexy.... I would love-"

"Love to what Miss Dewitt?" Snape growled in that deep and sexy voice of his, his eyes glaring down at Jen I wanted to burst out laughing.

"I would love to ride your broom, no that's not it... I would love to ride you, um I want to ride..." she stopped seeing his eyes glare down at her with fury burning in the never ending blackness.

"Right well this has been lovely, we really must be going now... Great feast and all that jazz. Jen I am sure as much as you want to ride the potion master you would prefer some food. Good bye professor sexy oops Snape" I called racing to the carriages while dragging the shocked Jen with me.

Diving in head first I smacked my head and cursed peering out of the door, bad idea.... Snape stood with his arms crossed that eyebrow raised. He was mad but also amused.

"MISS RIDDLE, MISS DEWITT" he called glaring after us and I could not resit, hanging out the window I waved as the carriage turned the corner, I smirked sitting myself on the seat to see a mad Jen staring back at me.

Her arms crossed I smiled and waited for her to speak knowing it would come in a matter of second, one, two, three...

"You knew he was behind me," she stated more than asked and I smirked and tilted my head to the left.

"It was too good an opportunity to miss" I smiled laughing to see a small smile break though the mad exterior.

"You know I have heard it been called many things.... Ride his broom, god you have a way with words" I laughed recalling the look on his face.

"You are crazy Rock... Snape is going to kill you!! Death by Snape now that has possibilities," she mused retreating into her little world as the carriage came to a stop. "I figure it's one of the best ways to go, really."

Jumping down with un-needed gusto I bowed and grabbed her hand crouching low beside the carriage on the look out for Snape.

"What are you doing?" Jen hissed crouching down as I was, I would have thought that was clear; I was been a ninja.

"Been a ninja, what does it look like?" I whispered to hear her laugh and come beside my ear.

"Your hiding from sexy Snape" she teased and I leaned onto the carriage to feel myself go tumbling to the floor. Keeping my eyes shut I turned my head and saw Jen on her back with her own eyes closed.

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