Filch Is A Perv

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I was mad not that I am not all the time but oh hell is Snape going to pay for this, how dare he? How bloody dare he? A part of me thought he meant but then I weighed it all up and like Jen I wanted payback.

"Rock stop pacing you are giving a headache" Jen hissed clutching her head to show that I was in fact doing just as she said I was; I was giving her headache.

"It is either I pace or a certain potions master who thinks he so clever will get a visit from me, one he will not forget for a looooonnngg time" I explained to see her flop back onto the bed and throw her hands over her face groaning.

"You are thinking about this all wrong" she sighed sitting up and I froze and turned to glance at her, "How so?" I asked deciding to lay down on the floor with my feet laying on top of my bed. I don't know why I just wanted to, its not like any body other than Jen could see what I was doing.

"We have to pay him at his own game" she smirked and my eyes lit up, oh hell this girl is brilliant. Seduce him back! I am pretty sure that is wrong on so many levels and that my grand-father will be none best pleased, come on you know you want to. I did know that I wanted to but then this could end very badly. Since when did you get so sane? Hell the voices in my head were right!

"Jen.. I am really not well, no I need help like right now. Jen I mean it.. If I do not get help right now something very bad is going to happen" I moaned and Jen looked up and glanced over my body looking for no doubt signs of illness. You won't find any not unless you cut my skull but that could be very painful and just sightly messy, you are not cutting me open! NO I agree with you there.

"If this is to get of detention with Filch you can forget it I am not facing that alone" Jen muttered and I fell onto her dramatically throwing my hand over my head. "Jen... I think I am going.... Sane" I whispered and pretended to cry.

"There are worse things to be" she commented pushing me to the floor with a smirk.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" I shouted jumping to my feet, Jen laughed and I joined in holding my stomach as it took over my whole body.

"O..Kay.. I take it back. If you are going sane on me I will just have to drive you insane again. What makes you say that any how?" She asked and I bit my lip "the voices told me. I was thinking about getting back at sexy and well they said my thoughts were... S-A-N-E" I explained to see her smile. Now if I had told that to anybody else I know with out a doubt that I would be on my way to a mental hospital but Jennifer she just smiles.

"Don't worry honey, you Lula are as sane as I am" she laughed and I look horrified to see her eyebrow raise in question at no doubt the look on my face.

"That sane..." I gasped and she hit my round the head lightly with a smirk. Okay so I did deserve that, maybe, slightly. You may have but we didn't, Oh shut up, making me think I was sane. You are very lucky I don't cut you open. All right, all right shutting up now! Good stay that way, you have been warned mind of mine.

"If Filch tries anything I am curse his ugly butt" I hissed and Jen rolled her eyes pulling me into her arms for un-expected but much needed hug.

"Lula how many times do I have to tell you Filch is not a perv?" Jen asked and I shrugged and stuck my tongue out her. "And that answers that question" she muttered dryly and I just nodded and linked my arms with her own.

"Jen if the mean pervey Filch wants you, he can have you" I told her bursting out into laughing at the look of horror on her face. "Well I guess if proffer Snape wants you then I will keep you from him at all costs" she told me with a straight face.

"WHAT! NO... I am sorry I wont let the mean Filch have you, Jen? No you can't keep me from sexy; how will I live?" I cried dramatically resiting the urge to fall to the floor in shock. She wouldn't really do that will she? No Jen would not keep me from sexy, no.

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