Chapter One

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Naruto's life was ALMOST perfect at this point. They had won the war. Madara had been defeated. Suki was no longer a Criminal Ninja and Naruto was very close to achieving his dream of becoming Hokage. Kakashi had chosen him to be his successor.

So what was missing? Well more like who was missing? Suki. She'd gone on a Journey of Redemption. He'd asked to go with her but she had told him, "You have nothing to do with my sins." Then for God knows what reason, she had flicked his forehead and walked off. That was almost three years ago.

"Hey, Kakashi Sensei. Sakura said you wanted to see me?" Naruto heads into the silver haired Hokage's office.

"Yes. You might want to sit down for this." Kakashi shakes his head.

"That bad?" Naruto questions.

"Well, I'm not sure that it's bad so much as…unexpected." The Sixth Hokage sighs as he looks anywhere, but at Naruto.

"What's going on?" Naruto was starting to get nervous.

"Well the good news is Suki is back. She's fine, physically. Emotionally, well that's another story." He replies.

"What's wrong with her?!" Naruto demands to know.

"The Council is forcing her hand. I argued on her behalf of course, but they are still rather uneasy about the thought of her returning to the village. The fact that she did a lot of good while traveling, does help. It's not enough to reassure them that she's not going to become a female Madara later down the line though." Kakashi continues.

"So what happened? Are they seriously kicking her out of the village?! She helped to save the world!" Naruto growls.

"No, they aren't kicking her out. They are giving her an option. They want insurance that if she snaps, someone will be able to stop her. As you are the only person that we know of, who can match her in battle…that person would be you." His former Sensei sighs.

"I don't get it. So they want me to babysit her or something?" He asks in confusion.

"I suppose you could look at it that way. They want you to be with her at all times. If she is to get a full pardon and be accepted back into the village, she has to marry. They want her to marry you. As her husband, you would be living with her. You could watch her. They'd feel safer." He states.

"…You're joking, right?" The blue eyed man inquires cautiously.

"I'm not. They are also rather fearful about the possibility of her restoring her clan. I suppose they figure you two are far more likely to kill each other than to make babies. So that's another factor." He adds as an afterthought.

"They want me to marry Suki…so she won't have kids?!" Naruto snarls.

"That is one of the major factors, yes. Unfortunately, it's out of my hands. You can both refuse, but she won't be allowed back into the village. They will also take her to trial at an International Court and likely have her executed. They fear her that much." He frowns at the very thought.

"So if I don't marry her, they are basically going to try to KILL her?!" The blonde seethes with rage, his eyes bleed red, his teeth take on a menacing sharpness, and the violent chakra of Kurama surrounds him.

"That's about the size of it, I'm afraid. If it went to trial, I would argue for her and so would many of the people she helped on her journey. There's a chance we could prevent an execution, but she would still be exiled. It's unlikely that other ninja villages would risk taking her in. So her official career as a ninja would be over." He further explains.

"This isn't right! She's been doing so much better! She helped people. Now they want to kill her or deny her the possibility of having a family?! If it wasn't for her, they'd all be dead!" Naruto was practically screaming now.

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