Chapter Eleven

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Years later, when asked about her wedding, Suki Uchiha would sum it up in one word. Fairytale. It had been a beautiful spring day. The sky was clear blue and the Sun was shining. The birds were chirping. And while Suki normally didn't pay attention to such things, the Sakura Blossoms were in full bloom. She noticed this because their wedding had been held outdoors.

They had no other option. The guest list was too long. Of course they had to invite the Kages and Daimyos, their family members, their bodyguards, their staff, everyone in the Leaf was curious, and there were travelers who had come from far and wide to gaze at the spectacle.

Suki wasn't sure how many guests they had attended. But she was sure that they numbered in the hundreds, if not the thousands. The Leaf's streets were jammed packed full of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the groom and bride.

"She should wear her hair UP." Sakura snaps at Ino in the dressing room.

Suki was currently in her dressing room with her bridesmaids. Suki had learned to tolerate the other female members of the Rookie Nine in small doses. The only girl that she could honestly label as her friend was Temari.

She supposed it made sense. Naruto was friends with Gaara. So naturally, she was around Temari a lot. The Sand Ninja was a combination of badass ninja and confident femininity.

"She should wear it DOWN!" Ino argues.

"I'm wearing it down." Suki sighs as she tries her best not to grown.

"But Suki!" Sakura protests.

"Naruto would just undo whatever design you put my hair into anyway." She shrugs as if that settled the matter.

"Why would he do that?" Sakura pouts.

"Temari, can you please...I can't even..." Suki says and smacks her forehead like, I'm surrounded by idiots. Please, help me.

"It'll give him something to hold onto as they screw like rabbits. I guess he's the type of guy that likes to pull on a girl's hair." Temari snickers.

"...Really? I always pictured Naruto as you know...gentle and romantic." Sakura's eyes widen comically wide.

"Why are you thinking about what type of lover Naruto is so much?" Suki twitches.

"I didn't mean anything by it! Jeez, Suki! I would never do that to you." The pink haired woman puts her hands up in a defensive gesture, like Please don't hurt me.

"Good. Because even though you would NEVER be able to steal him from me, as a matter of principle I would have to Chidori you through the heart if you tried." Suki looks at her nails in a bored fashion.

"She's just teasing you, Sakura. I think." Tenten laughs nervously.

"I wouldn't test that theory." Ino mutters.

"Veil or no veil?" Temari asks.

" mother had one." Suki tilts her head as she considers the question.

"Awe, that's so sweet!" Ino smiles.

Meanwhile with the guys, Naruto blinks at when he saw the massive cake being brought in by a truck. That thing was freaking huge. Weren't they going a bit overboard? Then he saw the crowd. Scratch that. Actually, that cake was just the right size.

"You nervous?" Shikamaru asks.

"You idiot. What's he got to be nervous about? He's been living with her months already." Kiba rolls his eyes.

"Not really. Mostly, I just want to see her in her dress and then go on the Honeymoon and take it off." Naruto smiles cheerfully.

"That's my student. I taught you well." Kakashi pats Naruto on the back proudly.

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