Chapter Sixteen

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Suki was going to find out who came up with the name Morning Sickness and she was going to Chidori the Hell out of them. They were such liars! It wasn't confined to just mornings.

It could strike at any time. One minute, she'd be fine and the next minute she'd be racing towards the bathroom. Vomiting was far from a dignified business.

"Here, have some water." Naruto says, pulling her into his arms, handing her a drink, and flipping through a book called Pregnancy for Ninjas.

"I really don't think pregnancy for ninjas is any different than civilian pregnancy." Suki says, but she takes the water gratefully.

"Yes, it is. For civilians morning sickness usually starts around the sixth week. You started vomiting at two weeks. Apparently ninjas get Morning Sickness earlier." He states.

"Great. Just great." She sulks.

"Something about how your Chakra has to align with the babies and that's what triggers it. Civilians don't use their Chakra much usually, so they don't generally have that problem or they adjust a lot faster. The good news though is that you start it earlier, but you also finish it earlier." The blonde continues.

"Well that's good at least." She says and feels Naruto cuddle against her.

"Naruto, I'm a big girl. I don't need cuddles every time I get sick." Suki tells him.

"You might not need them, but you are getting them." He informs her and kisses her forehead.

"You're such a loser. You know that, right?" She asks while smiling fondly.

"I know, but seriously, you don't need to act tough. I'm here for you." He says.

"It's nothing that women haven't endured since the dawn of time. It will be worth it in the end." She says and lays her head on his shoulder, ah her beloved pillow.

"Guess so. Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" He asks curiously, they hadn't really talked about it.

"Doesn't matter to me. Mostly I'm just hoping he or she doesn't get your Ramen fetish." She answers with a smirk.

"Ouch. That hurt, Suki. That hurt right here." He says dramatically and puts his hand over his heart.

"Mmm it's the truth. What about you?" She asks looking up at him.

"I'm not sure really. I mean a girl would be great, because I'm sure she'll be beautiful like you. But when she gets older, I'd have to scare away all the stalkers. A boy could be fun. You know teach him guy stuff." He says.

"And what does guy stuff include?" She asks.

"I'm not allowed to tell you that. It's against the Guy Code." Naruto informs her.

"Uh huh." Suki replies skeptically.

"It is. The Guy Code is sacred." He continues.

"Right. Whatever you say." She says and pulls her hair back, exposing her Mating Mark to his gaze.

"That's not fair and you know it! You know seeing that drives me crazy." Naruto growls at her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just putting my hair up. It's hot." She answers and does just that, leaving her neck completely exposed.

"Right and Kurama is really a cat demon." Naruto grumbles.

"Hmm nine tails for nine lives? Very symbolic." She smirks.

"Smartass." Naruto states.

"Better than being a dumbass. I'm going to go pick up a few things for dinner. You want anything?" She asks, getting off of his lap, and sauntering towards the door.

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