Chapter Two

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"That's it? That's all you are taking?" Suki raises an eyebrow as Naruto was pulling along one suitcase into her, well THEIR District.

"Yeah. I mean other than clothes, I don't really need anything. I figure you already got furniture, food, and the other important stuff." He shrugs.

"Oh that was…surprisingly smart of you." She muses.

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean?" He demands.

"That normally you aren't much of a planner. You tend to rush into everything without thinking, much like this marriage." The last Uchiha smirks.

Suddenly, Suki feels herself stopped. Naruto had grabbed her hand. The blonde pulled her close to him and looks at her with a very serious expression. The brunette actually had to look away from those intense blue eyes, staring her down.

"I did not rush into this without thinking. I thought about it, just not very long. I wasn't going to let them hurt you." He smiles at her sincerely.

She bites her lower lip. Suki honestly didn't now how to respond to that. She could tell that he meant it. He was Naruto. The man would do anything to protect his friends and this apparently included walking down the aisle with her, it seemed.

"You're right. That was…I shouldn't have said that." She couldn't help, but feel a little guilty at her cruelty.

Dammit. Her default mechanism was to shove Naruto as far away as possible. If he had ANY common sense he would have let her go years ago. She just kept hurting him, but he didn't. No matter what she said or did to him, Naruto seemed to have an endless supply of forgiveness in him. She didn't now how he did it.

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. You are just doing what you have always done." He says.

"And what's that?" She asks cautiously.

"Try to push everyone away, especially me. I know why you do it. I completely get it. You don't want to get close to someone and lose them, like you did with your family. But you need to get it through your head that I'm not going to let you push me away. So you can be as sarcastic as you want, it's not going to work. I'm not going anywhere." He nods vigorously.

"That was surprisingly…insightful of you. Who are you and what have you done with Naruto?" She half laughs.

"Very funny." He says, twitching.

"I thought so." Suki smiles smugly.

"I probably should have checked to make sure that you weren't an imposter when you laughed…twice." Naruto swats her lightly.

"Alright. I deserved that one. Not bad. Though it took you awhile to come up with that one." Suki didn't even bother to trying to dodge the swat.

"It still counts." He replies.

"Yes, it does. So…this is my, our District." Suki informs him once they head inside the Uchiha District.

"Wow, you're family must have been pretty big. This is practically a mini village." Naruto blinks.

"We had a couple hundred members." She informs him.

"So which one is your house?" The blonde looks around in aw.

"This one." She leads him to the house in the center of the district and the only one that looked like a human had been inside it for years.

"It's nice. Normal. Not what I was expecting, really." He murmurs.

"What were you expecting?" She glares at him.

"I don't know. I guess a castle, an iron fence, and maybe a moat…with the alligators." Naruto laughs more nervously than Suki would have liked.

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