Chapter Fifteen

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Naruto patiently holds back Suki's hair until the Morning Sickness had passed. Then he gets her a glass of water. She mutters a thank you and drinks.

"We should probably get you to the hospital. Have Granny Tsunade check you out. Make sure everything is alright." He says.

"Yeah." Suki says.

"Now I know you don't feel good. You normally argue more than that." He says and pulls her into his arms, holding her.

"I just spent the last ten minutes vomiting. Right now, I'd agree to almost anything." She murmurs and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Don't tempt me. A guy could really take advantage of a statement like that. You feel up to walking? I could carry you if you want." He offers.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm hardly the first woman in the world to deal with Morning Sickness." She states offering him a reassuring smile.

"You know you don't have to act all tough." He tells her and walks off with Suki, holding her hand.

"Who is acting?" The brunette replies with a smirk.

"That's my Ice Princess!" He says cheerfully.

Suki rolls her eyes, but there was no real annoyance to it. It was just Naruto being Naruto. All thoughts of the Council's horrific demise were gone for the moment.

"Granny Tsunade, you here?!" Naruto asks.

"Brat, I'm not deaf. What is it?" The busty blonde medic asks as she walks over to them.

"Kurama thinks Suki is pregnant. So we want to get her checked out." He says.

"Ohhh. Well I suppose it was bound to happen. Come here, Suki." She says and leads them to one of their hospital rooms.

"I'll give a blood test as that's the most accurate at this early stage." She informs them and begins swabbing Suki's arm.

"I really hate blood work." Suki mutters.

"It's okay. I'll kiss it better later." Naruto says and holds her other hand reassuringly.

"I know it will be okay. I'm just saying I don't like it." She tells him and winces when Tsunade takes the sample.

Tsunade ignores the conversation and looks at the results. Indeed, it did show changes to her hormone levels that indicated pregnancy. Thankfully, the Council was gone. Otherwise, this could have ended in disaster.

"She's pregnant. My best guess would be somewhere around two weeks. I'll give you the standard informational packets of course. No drinking, no smoking, and take it easy on training. I wouldn't use your chakra unless you absolutely have to." She informs Suki.

"Got that? She said to take it easy." Naruto tells Suki sternly.

"You are telling me to take it easy? That's the pot calling the kettle black." Suki says with a smirk.

"I mean it. It's bed rest for your sexy ass." The blonde informs her.

"Knowing you, I won't be getting much rest on that bed." Suki says with a shrug.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. Here you go. Stop in next Tuesday around noon and I'll have another look at you. Considering Naruto's chakra levels and your own unique biology, I want to watch this pregnancy very closely." Tsunade states.

"You think something will go wrong?" Naruto asks with concern.

"Not necessarily. I'm just not sure if this kid will develop faster than usual or be a particularly demanding pregnancy on Suki. If he or she has half your energy, well I don't envy you." She says to the expecting mother.

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