Defying The Rules

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Iman and Zuri exchanged a mischievous glance, their minds set on sneaking off to the Bayula on a Wednesday, despite the warnings. They grabbed their fishing nets and set off towards the river, the sun beating down on their heads. It was quiet and they made sure to not step in the traps. 

" What if we get kidnaped?" Zuri asked Iman

"We won't white man only comes here on tuesdays. Its Wednesday Zuri."

"Okay but we gotta be home before dark or Ayemi will kill have my head."

"We will leave soon. Let me catch at least five fish."

As they cast their lines, Naturi appeared, her expression stern. 

"What are you doing here? You know it's forbidden!" 

Iman shrugged, "We just wanted to catch the good fish, Naturi." 

Naturi sighed, "Fine, but let's head back. It's not safe."

 As they walked back to the village, two slave catchers emerged from the bushes. Naturi tried to protect Zuri and Iman, but they were too strong.

"RUN! DON'T LOOK BACK!" Naturi yelled

Iman and Zuri ran as fas they could.  In the chaos, Naturi stabbed one with a nearby stick, but the other shot her. Zuri and Iman fled, their hearts racing.

When they reached the village, it was in ruins. Bodies lay on the ground, and their homes were burned down. Zuri ran to her home, her heart sinking. Her parents were dead. She hid in a corner, trembling, until Iman found her. 

Days turned into weeks, and they hid from the slave catchers, surviving on scraps. Eventually, they were caught and put in cages. On the ship, they were separated, but they communicated in Swahili, sending words of encouragement until a slave catcher beat Iman and ordered him to speak English. 

"No nigger language ya hear? you'll receive 50 lashes if i hear anyone speaking that shit."The slave catcher said. Zuri listened to the slave catchers speak and learned his name was Samuel. He was chubby with brown hair and blue eyes. He smelled of alcohol and yeast. She held her nose whenever he walked by her but nothing was as bad as the smell that accumulating on the ship. People were laying in their own feces and urine. Men were sweating and so were the women. Everyone sang spritiuals and prayed while chained to the beds and others jumped at sea. 

After weeks at sea, they arrived in America and were taken to an auction. Zuri crossed her fingers, hoping to be sent to the same plantation as Iman. They were lucky; Master Charles Mitchell bought them both.

They drove on a wooden wagon that had a horse and was told to be quiet nad keep their hands folded. Everything looked so different from Africa.They rode through the town square and women were dressed in fine silk with their hairs curled. African American women were dressed nicely as well and not in the material they had back in Africa. 

 At the plantation, they were separated, and Iman was whipped for trying to escape. Zuri snuck him food and begged him to stop trying. 

"I need you to stay alive Iman. All we have is each other."

"I'm gonna get us out of here one day. I promise you."

"I gotta go before he realizes I'm here."Zuri kissed Iman on the cheek and ran off back to her cabin. 

Months passed, and Master Mitchell began flirting with 13-year-old Zuri. Lorrain, a childless slave woman, took Zuri under her wing, warning her about Master Mitchell's intentions.

"You have to be careful child. you're young,pretty and childless. Master Marshall is an evil bastard. he won't hesitate to pounce on you. I've seen it happen too many times."Lorraine said while fixing her a cup of tea.

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