Freedom Calls

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As Zuri approached her eighth month of pregnancy, anxiety began to creep in. What if Iman was sold? What if he was hurt? What if he was dead? She tried to push these dark thoughts aside as she sat in the corner of the small wooden cabin, knitting a blanket for Asha, the newborn child of her friend Nilda. She had finished a blanket for Ameenah, her younger sister, just two days ago. Zuri wanted to make one for her unborn baby but had to wait until Nilda returned to town with Miss Victoria to visit the fabric store.

Every day, Zuri noticed the changing demeanor of Master Mitchell, the plantation owner. He seemed to get angrier and more bitter each day, often blaming his wife, Victoria, for not getting pregnant. What he didn't know was that Nilda had been providing Victoria with a special medicine that made Master Mitchell unable to father children. Every night, Victoria mixed the medicine into his tea, not only preventing him from impregnating anyone, but also making him extremely tired.

Winter had come in force, and the plantation was hit by a severe snowstorm. Zuri boarded up the windows with wooden planks and set to making more blankets to keep the girls warm. She also received some chicken from the kitchen, leftovers from the masters' meal, which she used to make a delicious soup that lasted for several days. The warmth and nourishment helped ease her worries, even if just for a little while.

One evening, as Zuri was tidying up the kitchen, she heard a commotion outside. The sound of bottles breaking and screams echoed through the night air. When she looked out of the cabin's small window, she saw five horse-drawn buggies lined up outside, and the big house was on fire. Flames shot into the sky, casting an eerie glow over the entire plantation. Miss Victoria was running out of the big house with other servants, her face pale with fear and confusion. Master Mitchell was nowhere to be seen.

Zuri watched in shock as the chaos unfolded. Amidst the chaos, a white woman in a black coat approached her cabin, her expression unreadable against the backdrop of fire and smoke. What could she want? Why was the big house burning? And where was Master Mitchell? Zuri clutched the edge of the blanket she was knitting, bracing herself for whatever came next."Are you Zuri Otiengo?"

Zuri looked at her confused not sure if she should answer.


"I am Edwena Lewis. I am an abolitionist. I am here to take you and your children to freedom ..hurry." 

Zuri hurried up and grabbed the girls papers and belongings and followed the lady into the horse and buggy. Once in she looked around and saw Victoria, Lorraine, Lucille and Nilda. 

As they drove off into the night, fear formed . Asha and Ameenah were sound asleep and so was Lucille's children.

"He is taking us all the way to New York.."

"Wait... I can't go to New York... my son is Missipppi."Lorraine said

"Lorraine. we have a book of slaves. I can get in contact with his master as soon as we are in New York...don't worry. "

"Where will we stay?"

"There is homes that have already been paid for you guys to stay in. Your freedom papers have been made by Miss.Victoria and signed with Master Mitchell's seal."

"So you're an abolitionist ?"Lucille asked Victoria

"Yes.. i met Master Mitchell at an slave auction...another abolitionist told him i was his slave and he wanted to marry me because i passed ."

"Where Is Iman?"

"Waiting for you..."Edwena replied.

Zuri drifted off to sleep and was woken up by the buggy coming to a stop.

"Everyone just be still...don't make a fuss. I have your papers."

"Where are we?"

"We are in Pennsylvania....we've been stopped."

"Where are you coming from?"

"Maryland these are my slaves i just bought them from Master Mitchell two days ago. We slept in North Carolina for a few days." Edwena smiled showing the man the papers with the seal.

"Go on..."He said 

The buggy carried on and it felt like it was days before they reached New York. Zuri was sore and the girls were getting hungry. Edwena fed them pastries and apple cider. 

When they got to New York they were taken to a countryside that had a house and a farm. On the land was three different homes.

"We are here."Edwena smiled

Everyone got out of the buggy and stretched. The door to one of the homes opened and at the door stood Iman. Zuri ran to Iman with the children following behind her happily. It was evening and everyone was hungry and shared dinner together before settling in their new homes. 

Zuri got the girls settled in their new rooms before joining Iman in their own room. He rubbed her belly and kissed her.

"I told you i was coming for you."

"I knew you were."

"I told you to look for trouble."

Zuri laughed.

"Ohh Iman Mohammed you are truly something else."

"Zuri you and i finally."He smiled holding Zuri's hand. They kissed then drifted off to bed and feeling at peace. 

The days at their new home was different. They could wake up when they wanted to, run around the field, were given different meats and clean meat at that. They didn't have to worry about much. Edwena gifted Iman a radio so they could listen.

"Daddy....daddy.. we found some dandelions. Master Mitchell used to get mad when we would pick them."Ameenah said showing Iman a dandelion.

Zuri sat on their porch and watched while she knitted some clothes for the girls.

"We ain't on Master Mitchell's plantation anymore and ain't going back. I want to hear anything else about Master Mitchell ya hear?"Iman said

"Yes daddy."Ameenah smiled running off. 

"Them girls love you."

"Not as much as i love them and our son that will be here soon."

"Kimani Mohammed."Zuri said proudly.

"Once its abolished we gonna have to give them white last names."

"who says?"

"Edwena said...they gonna want to document us and everything."

"Then we will take the last name Fisher, Zuri Fisher,,,I's Solomon Fisher, Ameenah and Asha Fisher and Nathaniel Augustus Fisher."

"Okay. Mr. Fisher."Zuri smiled before giving Iman a kiss. Night fell and Iman tucked the girls in bed. While Iman locked up and blew out the candles Zuri began to feel great pain . She was going into labor.

"Iman... iman..."Zuri cried

Iman rushed into the bedroom to see the bed soaked and Zuri bleeding.

"Hold on baby I'm going to go get Lorraine."Iman ran out of the house and love to Lorraine's .

A few minutes later Lorraine and Nilda came over and made Iman wait in the foyer. Zuri was in labor with Nathaniel for hours and was in pain until Nilda gave her pain medication.  In the early morning Nathaniel Augustus Fisher was born. Zuri kissed and hugged Nathaniel tightly.

"Let me se my boy."Iman smiled walking in. He held a sleeping Nathaniel in his arms. He had dark brown skin and brown hair. Nathaniel resembled Iman's mother and it made Iman tear up. 

"You're proud papa."Zuri smiled

"Yes i am... Yes i am.. Nathaniel Augustus Fisher."Iman exclaimed kissing his forehead. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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