Chapter 1 | I Was Chosen For This Pain

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Be aware, for this chapter alone! I'll be doing this odd little switch between narration and POV for a short bit. Won't be doing that beyond this chapter. I also wanna mention this chapter will follow the original game rather daringly close! After that Imma do my own thing.


In the distant future, mankind is at war with aliens, referred to as Raptures for their very survival. Their only hope lies in the Nikkes, gynoids made to fight against the Raptures, and the commanders who lead the Nikkes. This is the story of one such commander, and his first mission on the surface. Commander Carolus Dean. Tasked with commanding a squad of Nikke's, to lead them into battle, and to lead them unto a rescue and recovery mission! Another squad, sent in before them has lost their commander in combat, their task, was to locate and recover missing and lost Nikke's in the area! Being transported via copter to the general location! Told that the skies were clear, and enemy AA batteries are nowhere to be seen! They venture into the city, expecting to land in without event! Shot from the sky! They are proven wrong! The squad the new commander was to lead! Wiped out in an instant! All but one survives! An she works to revive the fallen commander! Its imbedded deep into her roots! Save him! Or he will surely die!

---Calorus Dean Point Of View---

---Calorus Dean Point Of View---

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"....CLEAR!!!" The sound of an AED sounding off an electronic pulse into my chest hits my ears! My chest muscles compress and convulse to the introduction of high voltage! With it my heart kick starts back to a proper rate! Immediately! I tsk and groan in pain! Pain was racing around my entire back! Around me! Flames, scrap and wreckage of the Heli littering the street! I cough and bring a hand up to my chest, out of breath! I gasp! "COMMANDER! ARE YOU OKAY!?" The Nikke shouts in worry, finishing a gasp for air, I nod, uncontrollably I cough out the air I intake, the smoke of the surrounding flames was filling my lungs with soot. Recognizing the fact, she grabs me, pulling me unto my feet, helping me along, out of the flames, out of the wreckage, towards a clearing in the road. Speaking as she did! "Alright! Up and at 'em!" As we exited the smoking wreckage, she asks, whilst I inhaled a clean breath of air! "Commander, can you tell me which section you're from?" Coughing out my answer, as I continued to get the last few breaths of air I needed, and the bits of soot out of my lungs! "Central Government... Nikke Management Department." This small scan with her eyes, gives her confirmation that I hadn't lied, and she continued! Sitting me down atop a rundown bus stop bench. Hacking up soot, spitting it out away from us, I take one last deep breath! Finally, recovering from having the wind knocked out of me from the crash!

"D-Damn! An here they told us that the sky was clear." I complain, understandably frustrated, I stare out at the laying bodies of Nikkes and the other three commanders aboard, in flames, surrounded by the wreckage of our transport Heli. All, lifeless, dead, torn apart. Staring for a few seconds, before I look away, unwilling to stare longer, as I disliked the sight. "We should get moving soon, any Rapture within a hundred-mile radius must have heard that explosion and is heading our way. I realize this is all a bit sudden, but I am now under your command. You're giving me orders." I look up onto her, staring for a moment or so. My eyes tell a story, that I was worried that my command may be lacking confidence. "Can you, do it?" But even so. I nod firmly. "I'll give it my best" I reply, committing to the fact. "Yes commander, just give it your all! An please, don't worry. I will protect you, no matter what happens." Off, down the street, rounding the intersections, four legged medium sized raptures, followed by smaller sized raptures race in with numbers! Both of us look onto them, quickly! She raced towards them, taking her weapon from her side! "Commander! Keep your head down & stay behind me!" 

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