Chapter 2 | Never Again

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Running across the loading bay! Firing off Marian's gun! The recoil of the gun! Threatens to take my shoulder and break it out of socket!!! I don't care! I continue on! Behind me Rapi moves onto the other directions! We both race for cover on opposite sides of the loading dock! Anis races straight for nearby cover, firing off our guns all the while! In a crouch speed walk, I fire unto the enemy! Making myself a stable firing platform as I move! Rapi does the same! Anis does not, Accuracy doesn't matter when your weapon is an explosive! The first grenade arrives! Exploding at the feet of the blacksmith! Destroying smaller Raptures in an instant! Bullets from I and Rapi arrive! And litter up the full length of Blacksmith! Chunks, pieces, blood, flesh, and parts fly apart off the beast! An swiftly it heals itself with stolen and repurposed Nikke parts! Quickly! The damaged Raptures surrounding, wishing for repair via him! Turn onto us, charging us! "ANIS!" I shout! I want her to target them first! She can make quick work! "ON IT!" She shouts diving to cover, firing through the open doors of a forklift. The Blacksmith's shoulder padding expands over! Acting as extra armor! Pieces of red bulged weapon plates grow up all over his shoulder pads!

Firing off these massive explosive balls into the skies! They ark! Then fall down towards the three of us! Marian's gun goes over my shoulders via the strap! My assault Rifle goes in hand! I fire on 3 rounds burst up at the falling balls of explosives! Their impact ridden! They explode at the touch of heavy forces applied! 50 caliber bullets provide such a force! Each shot that lands causes them to explode! Destroying the three that dive unto me! I turn my gun unto the 4 that fall unto Anis who looked up! Prepared to move cover! Firing unto the 4 destroying them just in time! Across the lot! Rapi destroys her own!!! "YOU ALRIGHT!?" I shout to Anis! Who is star struck by the revelation! Looking to me with appreciation as she fired another shot out at charging in damaged Raptures! "Yeah! Thanks for the assist!" I shout as I toss the gun back over my back, switching back to Marian's weapon, and reload it! I fire down range once again!

The Blacksmith extends two high caliber guns beneath its shoulder paddings! An as it does, it extends its tentacles out towards me. Meanwhile turning its guns unto Anis! "COMMANDER!" Rapi shouts as they break through the rusted semi-truck trailer! And wrap around me! Losing grip of the gun it hands over the side of it off its strap! Swift! As it dragged me with a swift motion through the trailers slicing open my arm and face off the rusted metal! I grab a combat knife without question slicing it through the base of the tentacles! Breaking myself free! They break from around me, losing grip, I fall and roll into the middle of a pack of Raptures, both pistols find themselves in my hands, as I point them two directions my left and right! Swiftly I back pedal back towards Rapi and Anis! Firing deathly accurate rounds unto the broken portions of the damaged Raptures! Anis holds fire unto those around me! The explosions and shrapnel of her gun could hurt me! Instead targeting the Blacksmith! Rapi changes from him to those around me. Destroying multiple Raptures who lunged unto me! They die at my feet, they die around me, via my hand and Rapi's.

Unloaded, I holster them! An take up Marian's gun! Rapid firing unto them, it and Rapi's gun mow them down! As I neared Anis cover, the beast fired its high caliber guns! She dives from cover, and I dive away from it myself! Hitting the propane tank, the vehicle explodes into a ball of flames! Quick, we stand, grabbing, and pulling me to my feet. She drags me behind the concrete barriers along the trailer unloading lanes! Just feet away from us! Rapi behind an overturned Semi! Quickly fumbling around and reloading! "Reload! Reload! Reload!!!" I stand over Anis! And Unleash rounds down range! These are tracer rounds of blue and red. Quickly! Rapi and I dispatch the remaining damaged Raptures! Leaving only the Tyrant himself! Blacksmith! In response! The Blacksmith rages! Charging up two massive beams at the end of its High-powered rifles! "TAKE COVER!!!" Rapi shouts at me, as she hides behind her cover! No longer firing! Anis grabs me, pulling me down beneath our cover just in time for the beams to be unleashed. Slicing across our cover, the rock and steel between us and them glows red hot! Beginning to melt, it makes three passes before it ends! An smoke pours from their barrels! "QUICK! GIVE HIM EVERYTHING!" Anis demands! Before he could cool them down and do it again! Grabbing both my rifle, and Marians! I rest them atop our cover! And use it to hold them! Opening fire as I duel wield automatic weapons! Anis Rapid firing her launcher! And reloading AS she fired which was rather awesome to see actually! An Rapi firing with a drum magazine instead of a normal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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