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Y/n woke up and looked down at Javon he was asleep laying on her stomach, his arm hugging a random pillow and the other around Y/ns waist ig you could say it was 𝓒𝓾𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰🤞🏻.

Y/n had woke up before Javon and was bored so she had been taking pictures of Javon with random snapchat filters. She felt Javon start moving she put her phone down and started playing with his hair as she smiled. "Goodmorning beautiful" said wanna as he looked up at Y/n "Goodmorning wanna" Y/n said as she tried not blushing. "What do you feel like doing today ma?" wanna asked "i lowkey wanna go see your family its been a while since i have seen them" Y/n said while still playing with Javons hair "Bro Y/n you saw them like 3 days ago" wanna said as he laughed. They talked some more and made plans which was just going to wannas house and being with his family.

Javons pov.
Y/n and me had made plans to go and see my family its been a while since she had went over to see them so it sounded like a good plan. She started getting ready she changed did her makeup and did other things that she does when she gets ready. I had never been so happy with a girl but with Y/n it was different she made me get butterflys and when she kissed me it was out of this world i swear i had never felt that way with anyone.

 I had never been so happy with a girl but with Y/n it was different she made me get butterflys and when she kissed me it was out of this world i swear i had never felt that way with anyone

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your fit 🎀.

your fit 🎀

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Shoes 🎀.

Y/n had finished getting ready and we got into my car we talked the whole way to my house and soon got to my house. We walked in and saw Jayla and Jaden as soon as Jayla saw Y/n they ran to hug eachother like it had been years since they had last seen eachother after a while they pulled away and Jaden pulled Y/n into a hug. I loved how she got along with my siblings, soon Daelo came down and ran over to Y/n hugging her she picked him up as he kissed her cheek just smiling.

Soon after Y/n and me went up to my room we talked laughed and man did it feel good to be around her. We got into bed and cuddled just having her close made me feel happy we soon both feel asleep.

Few hours later...

Y/ns pov.
I woke up to a flashing light in my face it was Jayla and Jaden whispering and taking pictures. "do you think shes wake?" Asked Jaden "i am now" i said as i open my eyes and start laughing as they both run out the room knowing they had gotton caught. I was fully up and tried to move to get up and use the bathroom but felt a pair of hairs grab on to my waist it was Wanna. "Wanna i need to use the bathroom" i said as i tried getting out of his grip " just a little but longer ma" he said half alseep "fineee" i said as i got back in bed and fell asleep again.

I woke up to Wanna shaking me thats one way to wake me up. " Y/nnnn wake up ma" Javon said trying to wake me up " bae go back to beddd i dont feel like doing anything" i said as i rap myself in the blankets. It got quiet a little bit to quiet but i didn't mind it I just wanted to sleep or so i thought i felt water on my head slowly being poured. "WANNAAA" i yelled as i jumped out of bed soaked in water " dont be mad ma you didn't want to get up" he said smiling with a bowl of water in his hands " i cant stay mad at you wanna" i spoke as i looked at him "ik you cant y/n" he said as he got closer and kissed my forehead.

"Y/n get ready were going out with my family" Wanna said with a smile " okay i'll go see what i can use from Jaylas closet". I walked over to here closet and found this.

A/n: any ideas!!!
721 words

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