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I walked into the guy with no name my boss's office to see his angry expression greet me as always.

"This weekend your mission will be to give Violette an even bigger warning for what she did to my men"

"But didn't your men try to fight her first?"


"I recommend if you want your brother safe and healthy then you do as I say"

Got it asshole

"Ok" I said as he stared at me waiting

"Ok sir"

"You are dismissed, be ready for this weekend"

I walked out of his office. I didn't know it was possible to be mad at someone who was dead. Why did my father get into this shit in the first place?

He messed up my life

I need to calm myself down, I told Levi that I would go to his place in about an hour but who cares if I show up early

I knocked on his door for what felt like forever until he opened it

"You said another hour"

"Well, I changed my mind"

"Dude are you ok?"

"I am Fine, do you want to hang out or not?"

"Jeese, yeah come in"

"Wha-" I don't want to talk about it"

"Ok, then I got a new game we can try"

Whenever I am stressed, I always know a good person to go to is Levi, he will never push for answers and will always be there to just hang out

We ended playing the game for what felt like forever when Mason called me

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes, but I am really tired and want to go to sleep"

"Ok, I will be home in a few minutes"

Once our mom slowly stopped coming back home at night Mason was waking up during the night because of his nightmares. He now needs someone to tuck him in for him to be able to sleep through the night.

"Mason, I am home, are you ready for be-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" this was now two visits in one day, which is two more then I can handle


"I hope this listen shows you that if you dare to cross me, you brother will be easily taken away. I saw how you watch Violette on the news fighting our men, don't you dare think you can start playing hero"

"Yes sir"

"Good, get your rest, you better not disappoint me this weekend"

With that he walked out, leaving me with my thoughts, what if they took away Mason? He is just a kid and has no idea what dad have got us into the moment he died.

I promised myself I would protect him at all costs, and I intend on keeping that promise no matter what

I went up to his room to find him sleeping on top of his blankets. I picked him up bride style and tucked him in. He was a heavy sleeper on the nights with no nightmares which worked in my favor. I spend most of my night at the gym escaping reality, for a few of these hours every night I feel free, it is my time to do what I want without being controlled.

I didn't end up getting any sleep last night. It is hard to remember the last time I got 6 hours' worth

I walked down the stairs of my house praying I didn't get another surprise visit. I walked into the kitchen to see Mason sitting at the table.

"Hey buddy, you fell asleep without me last night, good job!"

"Yeah, I was tired anyways and one of your friends was over, so he read me a book" my stomach dropped hearing his words

"Listen Mason, if he comes back stay away from him ok"

"Bu-" "No buts, stay away" I said with my voice slightly raising

"Fine" he said while walking away

I headed out the door heading to school. I saw Gabs leaving her apartment building, so I ran up to her


"Hi, Nate!"

"How's detention going?"

"How do you think, I mean you should be used to it by now" she opened her mouth into an O shape realizing what she said

"Ouch, that hurt Gabs"

"Sorry Nate" she said while giggling

"What's with that nickname, you know I hate it"

"Exactly why I like calling you it"

"You are a pain in my ass" she said while pushing me

Shortly after we arrived at school and went our separate ways

The morning went by fast, and it was now lunch. I headed to the cafeteria when I couldn't believe my eyes

One double take wasn't enough, I looked back to see my mom standing by the entrance of the school.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Please Nathan I just want to talk"

"You think after not showing your face for two months you can just show up at my school?"

"Listen Nathan I needed time to think, I was messed up and did some shitty stuff, but I want to try and make it better"

"Get out of here"

"Please Mason still needs me"

"He is doing just fine without you, don't come back to my school or the house"

She stormed out of the school like a child

It wasn't only that she left after dad died that I am mad at her but because when he was alive, she treated me and my brother like trash and I refused to go through that again.

I sat down next to Levi who could clearly tell I was pissed but knew it was best not to ask.

"So, Nate how did you like the sub filling in for Mr. Smith" Sophia said trying to lighten the mood

"She was really bitchy towards me"

"What did you do?" Gabs asked me

"Why do you think I did something"

"When would you not do anything stupid?" Adam asked me

"Rude" I said while rolling my eyes trying not to smile

"So, you are saying you did nothing at all to make the sub made?" Adam and Gabs asked at the say time

"I might have said she didn't know what she was doing and should go back to school, but I was just being honest"

"You are such an idiot" Sophia said while laughing

"You really like getting detention huh"

"Damn coming from the detention queen herself"

"IT IS ONLY THIS WEEK" Gabs yelled, then quickly threw her hands to her face to cover her mouth while looking around to see the whole cafeteria looking at her

We all burst out into laughter with how easy it was to get her going

"You guys are the worst"

"Hey, I barely said anything" Adam spoke up


"And I didn't even get detention" I said

"Wow she must like you" Levi spoke up

"Yeah, that was why she was acting bitchy" I said in a sarcastic voice

"You are all stupid" Sophia said but clearly enjoying the entertainment of today

The bell rang and we all headed back to class. I almost forgot what happened with my mom. I always know my friends will help me get my mind off things even if I don't tell them what's going on

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