Chapter 6

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Namsoon stretched her body after stacking the last box of shipment into the truck. "Haaaa, finally I'm done." Suddenly, her phone rang, she answered cheerfully, "Hello, Gan I-Sik." "Namsoon, are you finished working? Can we meet? I have something to tell you."

After finishing up everything in the warehouse and bidding goodbye to Mr. Heo, Namsoon walk to Heesik's house. I wonder why Heesik wants to meet me so urgently. It took her around 15 minutes to arrive at Heesik's apartment as she did not use her super strength to go there.

Heesik opened the door shortly after Namsoon knocked on it. "Namsoon, come in." Heesik said, smiling. Namsoon entered the apartment and sat down on the couch. "Do you want something to drink?" "Hmmm, do you have soda? I'm craving something sweet and fizzy." Namsoon smiled innocently. Heesik chuckles at Namsoon's words, "Sure."

After passing a strawberry soda to Namsoon, Heesik sat on the couch in front of her. "Namsoon-a, I was looking at various articles the other day and one particular article caught my attention." "Which article?" Namsoon asked while chugging on the red soda. Heesik showed the article to Namsoon on his phone.

Namsoon's heart skiped a beat after reading the article, and she slowly looked up to Heesik with a hint of anticipation plus nervousness on her face. Heesik smiled softly, "I think I found your mother." Tears immediately pooled under Namsoon's eyes. "You really have found my mother? Do you know her name?" Namsoon can't peel her eyes off the article. "Her name is Hwang Geumju, and I've set a date and location for you both to meet."

Namsoon couldn't explain the feeling in her heart, she has been waiting for this for so long, it feels surreal. The only reason she came back to Korea was about to be granted. A smile appeared on her face, as well as big fat tears rolling down her face. "Thank you so much, Gan I-Sik, what would I do if not for you." Namsoon leaped forward to pull Heesik into a tight hug. Heesik returned the hug and patted Namsoon's back with a soft smile on his face, "I've told you I would help you find your parents. I've fulfilled my promise."


Heesik has set up Namsoon to meet with Hwang Geumju on the next day since it's the weekend, and he is sure both the mother and daughter would like to meet each other as soon as possible.

Namsoon is extremely nervous while getting ready. She began to imagine various scenarios that might happen during the meeting. She tried on various clothes but nothing seemed to satisfy her. She ended up wearing a white shirt and skirt with black boots. She tied her hair into piggy braids with pink ribbons.

The journey to the location seems slow yet fast. Both mother and daughter are anticipating the meeting with thumping hearts. Closing in on the location, Namsoon was about to enter the cafe when she heard people screaming for help. She looked around and saw people pointing towards a building.

Namsoon went closer to the building and saw that it was on fire. Using her super strength, she scanned the building for any survivors and saw 3 children trapped on the 6th floor. While contemplating her next action, the fire seemed to grow bigger each second. With only saving the children on her mind, Namsoon jumped onto the 6th floor and started to look for the trapped children.

The burning fire blurred Namsoon's vision, and she found it difficult to breathe. Yet, she is determined to save the children. After a while, Namsoon found the children, and she immediately gathered them in her arms and jumped down from the almost collapsed floor.

She slowly put the children down, and all of them were crying while looking for their parents. Their parents immediately came to them, and their mouths couldn't stop thanking Namsoon for her deeds. Namsoon only smiled in return, but her throat started to feel burning as she inhaled too much smoke.

She started to cough violently. Suddenly, she felt a gentle hand on her right shoulder. Turning around, she saw a curly ginger-haired woman in her 40s, looking at her with teary eyes. Something tugged on her heart, her mind almost decided on its own that the woman in front of her was her long-lost mother. "Namsoon...?" The woman said in a shaky voice.

The hopeful as well as the uncertainty of the woman's voice were enough to make Namsoon burst into tears. "Mom?" Then they both hugged each other tightly to savour the missing chances of the past 20 years. The burning sensation in Namsoon's throat is forgotten and gone. Then Geumju led Namsoon to her car.

They started to open up to each other in the car by talking about their lives as well as some random stuff. There is no awkwardness at all, as if they were never separated. Namsoon's heart is content knowing that she has finally found her family.


Namsoon learned that her mother was an extremely wealthy woman from the moment she stepped into her house. The house fits the definition of mansion rather than a normal house. Geumju introduced the rest of the family to Namsoon, and she also learned that the powers were of inheritance from the previous generation. All women in the family inherited the same power, with just a little bit of difference. Some only have super strength, and some have super speed as well. As for Namsoon, she is the strongest in the family as he has super strength, speed, and eyesight, as her mother said.

That night, the whole family had a heartfelt dinner together, and Namsoon never felt so warm and full inside. After dinner, her mother walked her to her room. "Namsoon-a, we talked about almost everything, but I forgot to ask who Kang Heesik is? How did you two meet?"

Namsoon explained regarding the scammer situation and how Heesik helped her find a place to stay. "Do you two have something going on?" Namsoon blushed slightly, hearing the question, "Mom, what are you talking about? We are merely friends, nothing more." "I've met Officer Kang. He seems to be a very nice man. I don't mind if you date him." Geumju squinted her eyes, teasing. "Mom~" Namsoon whined, scrunching her nose.

Geumju laughed, "Alright, alright. I won't tease you anymore. Have a good rest. And oh, do let your Mongolian parents know about us reuniting with each other. They must be very happy." Geumju reminded Namsoon softly. "Yes, I will. Goodnight, mom." Namsoon immediately picked up her phone to videocall her Mongolian parents after Geumju left her room. They talked for hours and laughed a lot. Even though Namsoon has found her biological parents, she can't help but miss her home and parents back in Mongolia.

I'm sorry there's no namsoon and sio's interaction in this chapter but I think it's important to show the reunion between namsoon and her family 💝

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