Chapter 22

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Namsoon was getting ready. She felt a lot refreshed after getting rested for a day. She tried to look for the spy watch that Heesik gave her, but she couldn't seem to find it. Did I leave it somewhere? She wondered. Decided to look for it after she got off work today. She was contemplating whether she should text Si-O and tell him she's coming to work. But she hesitated.

"Aish, it's not like he doesn't know I'm coming to work today. But... I miss him. He didn't even text yesterday to ask about my condition. He only texted good morning and goodnight." Namsoon huffed. She knew she was being clingy, but this is her first relationship. Of course, she wants it to be special.

She decided to just give it a go, so she texted him. A few seconds later, her notification pinged. She quickly picked up her phone and saw Si-O's name on the notification. Si-O said he was waiting outside. Namsoon widened her eyes and ran to the window. She saw Si-O leaning on his car while crossing his arms. He looked so sexy... Biting her lips, she quickly locked the door and ran downstairs as fast as she could. She was in front of him in 10 seconds.

"Hi, Si-O." She said cheerfully while skipping towards him. Si-O turned to look at her, and his face bloomed with the biggest smile Namsoon had ever witnessed. She almost got blinded by it. She stopped in front of him while looking at him with a huge smile. "Are you feeling well now?" He asked in a gentle voice. "Yes, I feel so much better." Namsoon replied. She feels extremely happy, but she doesn't know why. Probably because she got to see her boyfriend after a day. Boyfriend... she loves the sound of it.

Si-O rubbed both of her arms gently before walking to the car and opening the passenger door for her. Namsoon was about to step in when Si-O suddenly said, "Oh, and I missed you." Namsoon's cheeks are as red as a tomato before she gets in the car properly. Si-O's smile grew bigger, and he closed the door before walking to his side and starting to drive away.

The drive to the office is nice. Both are still shy about their new status. "Si-O, won't it be weird if people see us together all the time?" Namsoon suddenly asked. "Why would they feel weird? They know you are my assistant anyway." Si-O replied nonchalantly. "Just in case you forget, I'm not your assistant, I literally worked in the relations department with other people." Namsoon huffed while crossing her arms.

Si-O chuckles, "Fine, but you are kind of like my assistant anyway. They won't think weirdly about it. If they do, I will fire them." He replied nonchalantly, again. Namsoon's eyes turned wide, and she gasped. "You can't do that, Si-O." She scolded. Si-O laughed, "I'm just teasing. I love to see your reaction. When you were not around yesterday, I missed you a lot." He said while turning to look at her. Namsoon can see the genuineness in his eyes.

She blushed again. "You don't miss me?" Si-O suddenly asked. Namsoon crunched her nose. Aish, he is a big baby. "I miss you too..." She said slowly. "What? I can't hear you." Si-O teased. "I miss you too." She said it slightly louder this time. "What? I still can't hear you." He teased again with a big smile on his face. Namsoon turned to him fully, noticing that they were stopping at a red light. She grabbed his face, turning him to face her. "I. Miss. You. So. Much." She pronounces each word slowly and clearly. She can see he was stunned, his ears turned a bit red.

She let go of his face. "Oh, you are blushing?" She teased him back. She loves to tease him as well. It's not every day that she can see this kind of reaction from him. Si-O cleared his throat before starting to drive again as the light turned green. "You seemed to be in a good mood today, Si-O." She said, noticing his mood. "I am, something disturbing just got settled." He smiled. Namsoon's heart skipped a beat.

I hope it's not something bad.


Arriving at the office, Namsoon bids goodbye to Si-O before going to her own desk. She plopped down on her chair and started to do her work.

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