Chapter 30

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Getting dressed to meet Si-O, Namsoon couldn't stop the fast pounding of her heart. Her heart feels like it's going to explode from how nervous she is. It has been weeks since their last meeting, and she has missed him a lot. She also doesn't know what she will do when she meets him. Hug him? Kiss him? It's all in your dream, Namsoon. She chuckled bitterly to herself.

She was interrupted by an urgent knock on her door. Opening the door swiftly, she saw Geumju's panicked face. "Mom, what's wrong?" She asked, and she started to feel panicked as well. "Opulentia managed to track Pavel's latest movement. They are in Korea now." Geumju informed.

Namsoon's eyes turned wide. This means danger is getting extremely close to Si-O. Namsoon has to warn him as fast as she can. After ensuring Geumju she would be fine, Namsoon sped up to the agreed location. She arrived 40 minutes later since the location was quite far. She slowed down before entering the building.

It was an old building, probably once a warehouse. It was quite dusty. It must've been abandoned for quite some time, Namsoon figured. She is on high alert. Even though she trusts Si-O, she still needs to be on high alert. She doesn't know what he is capable of right now. It will be worse if he is under the drug's influence. She prayed that he had stopped taking the drug.

She stopped walking when she noticed a dark figure 5 meters in front of her. She could make out of the shadowy lines. She doesn't need to see the face to recognise that the man that she loves is in front of her. Her lips started to quiver, but she put on a strong face. This is not the time to cry.

She slowly walked to the figure, which did not move at all. Getting closer, Namsoon started to see the lights that shone on the figure, revealing his handsome face. Oh, how she missed that face. Even in a state of mess, he still managed to dress up properly and make himself look good. Classic Ryu Si-O. Namsoon stopped 1 meter in front of him, her heart pounding hard.

Both parties keep their silence and do not dare to speak any words. At least on Namsoon's part. Couldn't handle the deafening silence, Namsoon decided to speak up. "Si-O." She started, trying to observe his reaction and movement. Si-O opened his mouth after a long while. "Now that we've met, what do you want?"

Namsoon's knees buckled. His tone was still as venomous as ever. "I'm sure you know Pavel is in Korea right now. You got to surrender to the police immediately to be safe." Namsoon said. Si-O laughs humorously, as if what Namsoon said is funny. "You sure are funny. You want me to surrender?" He asked.

"Yes, that's the only way I can protect you." Namsoon said. He laughed harder this time. "Who do you think you are? Some kind of God? I don't need your protection." He said harshly. "Si-O... you and I both know how dangerous Pavel is. You won't be able to fight them on your own. Please let me help you." Namsoon pleaded. "Even if fighting them means death, I still won't get your help." He said stubbornly.

"Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you just accept help for once?" Namsoon asked frustratingly. Their time is limited, and Si-O is not helping. "Why do you want to help so much?" He countered. "Because I love you." She admitted bravely. Si-O does not show any reaction. "No matter how many times you ask me, my answer will still be the same. Because I love you. I will help and protect you with all I have. In the right way." Namsoon said determinedly.

Si-O nodded. "So you're willing to do what I asked?" He asked. Namsoon nodded slowly, not sure where he was going with this. "Yes, except killing people." He walked closer to Namsoon and grabbed her wrist. Namsoon was shocked by the touch. Even though the touch was harsh, she missed the feeling of his skin on hers.

He put something in her hand. She looked at it closely. It's some kind of small tin box. She looked at him questioningly. "Open it." Were his only words. She slowly opened it, and what was inside shocked her. She looked at him with wide eyes. "If you love me, you must be willing to take the drugs, right? I put in the right amount that allowed you to survive exactly for an hour." He said, smirking. "If you survived, then I'll do whatever you ask me to." He challenged.

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