Chapter 17

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In the quiet room, the curtains were tightly pulled, and the room was dark. There was a figure tightly wrapped in a quilt lying on the big bed in the middle of the room, and there was a humidifier on the bedside table next to it, making a gurgling sound.

A gap was opened in the door from the outside, and a long figure appeared at the door.

The figure stood at the door for a while, then walked to the big bed in the middle of the room and stood by the bed.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes hung down and looked at the sleeping man in bed.

The whole figure on the bed was tightly covered with soft velvet. The quilt was pulled under the nose, and a wet towel was placed on the forehead. The exposed face was red. His eyes were closed but his eyebrows frowned slightly, which seemed to be very uncomfortable.

Bai Mo looked down at this scene and stretched out his hand to pull the quilt little. The person on the bed seemed to have breathed out, his lips were slightly open, and the originally pale red lips were a little pale and dry at this time.

Bai Mo looked at him blankly, and there was no fluctuation in his obsidian-like eyes.

At this moment, the man in bed trembled slightly, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyebrows were raised.

Bai Mo was stunned, subconsciously stepped back half a step, staring at the person on the bed, as if he was wary of some flood beast.

However, what he didn't expect was that Shen Jiayan didn't even look at him after waking up, and his eyes were not even focused, like a state of half-dreaming and half-awake.

He moved his lips weakly and spit out a word with difficulty: "...water."

Bai Mo was slightly stunned. At this time, he also noticed that Shen Jiayan didn't seem to see him here. No, he should say that he saw it, but he didn't realize that the person standing by his bed at this time was him. Otherwise, he's afraid he will be furious and roar with a disgusting face to let him get out.

Shen Jiayan lay in bed motionless. He didn't fully regain consciousness, but he just shouted weakly, "...water."

Bai Mo lowered his eyelids, and his hand hanging on his side tightened.

After half a minute, he finally had a movement.

He went to the bedside table, poured the water in the kettle into the glass, and took it to Shen Jiayan.

But the person on the bed did not move. It seemed that he didn't even have the strength to sit up. After a while, he slowly pulled his hand out of his arm and stretched out to him tremblingly.

Bai Mo frowned.

A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes, but he still put the water cup back on the bedside table, removed the towel on his forehead, lifted the quilt a little, and slowly held Shen Jiayan's shoulder and sat up.

Through the thin pajamas cloth, he could feel Shen Jiayan's hot body temperature at this time. When his palm touched the temperature, he couldn't help frowning.

Is this a fever?

Shen Jiayan was paralyzed as if he had no strength. Bai Mo originally wanted people to lean on the back of the bed, but the other party couldn't even lean on it at this time and fell forward frequently.

Bai Mo gritted his teeth and sat down by the bed. He resisted his inner disgust and leaned against him, holding his shoulder with one hand and reaching for the glass with the other.

He handed the water glass to Shen Jiayan's mouth, mastered the angle and tilted the water glass slightly. The other party also obediently opened his mouth and drank the water in.

Bai Mo looked down at the person leaning on him. His thoughts suddenly drifted away, and he didn't pay attention when the other party stopped drinking.

"Um--" Shen Jiayan choked and coughed twice.

Bai Mo came to his senses and quickly took the glass away, but some water still flowed out and slid down his lower jaw.

Bai Mo frowned, reached out and put the water glass back on the bedside table, and wiped the spilled water for him with a paper towel.

After drinking the water, Shen Jiayan closed his eyes again. His lips were slightly open and weakly gasping. The corners of his eyes were a little red because he had just been choked, and his eyebrows were still frowned.

Bai Mo looked at him for a while. When he was about to pull out his body and put him down again, there was a knock on the door, and Aunt Chen's voice sounded, "Mr. Bai, are you inside?"

Bai Mo stopped and answered, "Aunt Chen, I'm here. Come in."

Aunt Chen just opened the door. She held the plate just now in her hand, which was still porridge, but it seemed to be hot and smoky.

Aunt Chen looked at the two of them for a while and then looked away without saying anything.

After putting down the plate, she said, "The young master hasn't eaten anything since last night. I'm afraid he's very hungry now. Let him eat some."

Haven't been eaten since last night?

Bai Mo glanced at the hot porridge that Aunt Chen put on the bedside table and said, "I know."

Aunt Chen seemed to be relieved and said to Bai Mo, "Mr. Bai, thank you for your hard work."

After saying that, She turned around and left the room and gently closed the door before leaving.

Bai Mo took another look at the person leaning on him. Finally, he sighed and reached out to take the bowl, holding the bowl in one hand and holding the spoon in the other.

The porridge is still hot, so he blew it first and waited for the temperature to drop and it fed to Shen Jiayan's mouth.

"Open your mouth."

Shen Jiayan opened his eyes in a daze, did it obediently, and drank the porridge fed by Bai Mo.

Seeing this, Bai Mo repeated it silently, and Shen Jiayan ate it obediently.

But before he took a few bites, Shen Jiayan suddenly coughed suddenly, and then turned his head to spit out the porridge he had just eaten.

It all spit on Bai mo.

Bai Mo was frozen all of his body.

Although Shen Jiayan is not very sober yet, he instinctively knows what he has just done. His eyes are slightly widened, and he looks up at the person he is leaning on, with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes.

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