Chapter53: That's it?

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"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?" Shen Jiayan handed the drink to Bai Mo and sat down in the seat opposite him.

"It's okay." Bai Mo lowered his eyes and took the cup, "Thank you."

Shen Jiayan picked up the cup and stirred it with a straw. After biting the straw, he began to drink a drink. His eyes were a little bored and fluttered around.

"They seem to be looking at you." Bai Mo suddenly said.

Shen Jiayan was slightly stunned. After realizing that what he was talking about was the other students in the store, he smiled shyly, "Well, I'm sorry, did it make you uncomfortable? Why don't we change to another one?"

"It's okay." Bai Mo only said.

The surrounding discussion seemed to be suddenly a little louder than just now, and they looked at them one after another.

Shen Jiayan sensed the movement and looked at their line of sight. He saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the coffee shop that he had just seen in the dormitory.

It turned out to be Jiang Mingyue.


Shen Jiayan shrank for a moment and was about to turn around and pretend not to see it. Unfortunately, the other party also looked at him, and the two were facing each other.

Shen Jiayan: "..."

It's inexplicably a little awkward.

He smiled at the other party and looked away. As soon as he turned around, he saw that Bai Mo also glanced at Jiang Mingyue.

"Your friend?"

Shen Jiayan scratched his head and said, "Well, it's not, it's just an ordinary classmate."

"Really?." Bai Mo looked at him faintly, "He is still looking at you."


Jiang Mingyue still looks at what he is doing. It's so embarrassing.

He couldn't help looking back and found that the other party was really looking at him.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Shen Jiayan laughed at Bai Mo dryly.

Bai Mo didn't say anything more, but he could obviously feel that the eyes around him were still wandering back and forth on Shen Jiayan and the way he looked at him was meaningful.

He's afraid that the relationship between the two is not just classmates, but when he asked just now, Shen Jiayan obviously didn't want to say much, so he didn't ask much.

Shen Jiayan has been a little absent-minded since he just met Jiang Mingyue. Although he lowered his head, his afterglow still floated to Jiang Mingyue from time to time.

He noticed that Jiang Mingyue bought a cup of coffee at the cashier and then sat down in an empty seat not far from them. After sitting down, he took out a book and focused all his attention on the book and did not look at him again.

However, Shen Jiayan was still a little uncomfortable. In addition, the eyes of the people around him were too explicit. He felt like being watched by monkeys, so he quickly drank the drink in the glass and pulled the corners of his mouth to Bai Mo, "Have you finished it?"

"Are you in a hurry to leave?"

Shen Jiayan nodded, "A little, there's a little too much homework in the past two days."

Bai Mo didn't seem to doubt, "Then let's go."

Shen Jiayan was relieved. The two got up, returned the cup and left the coffee shop.

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