Chapter 26

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Huh? How did Jiang Yuanzhou know that he didn't want to?

- No, again? What is it again?

He didn't want him to send him home before. Did he talk about what happened in the nightclub before?

But he had a legitimate reason at that time...Well, maybe it's not too legitimate. Did he see through him at that time?

He began to panic, but he couldn't show it. He could only scratch his head and say, "Uncle Jiang, what are you talking about? How can I not want to? Of course, Uncle Jiang gave me a gift!"

Jiang Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Isn't it? That's good. I thought Xiaoyan would ask the driver to pick him up like last time.

Shen Jiayan kept an awkward smile on his face.

Is it his illusion? How did he feel that there is something to say in Jiang Yuanzhou dialect?

"Xiao Yan has been so out of the sight that your uncle is a little sad."

With that, he lowered his eyes slightly, and his handsome face really looked a little lonely.

"Recently, I feel alienated by Xiaoyan. Have you really grown up?"

The smile on Shen Jiayan's face was frozen, and he couldn't stand it.

Although he knows that Jiang Yuanzhou is such a damn person, he has never talked to the original owner like this before, right? What happened suddenly? He was so scared that he had goose bumps.

Don't you just want to see Bai Mo?? Mad, is it necessary? Just let him see it!

"Uncle Jiang, how can you say that! I guarantee my personality. I absolutely can't alienate you!" Although his personality is not guaranteed.

"Really?" Jiang Yuanzhou seemed to look up at him doubtfully.

Shen Jiayan nodded crazily, and then opened his mouth, but he couldn't say it when he got to his mouth, "I, I..."

He forced himself to say, "I like Uncle Jiang the most!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuanzhou was stunned, and then couldn't help lowering his head and laughing.

Shen Jiayan felt that his face was about to burn.

He was laughed at.

For a while, Jiang Yuanzhou raised his head, with some unpredictable emotions in his gray eyes. Then he slowly raised his hand and rubbed his head gently with his big palm, "That's good."

Shen Jiayan was stunned. When he recovered, the hand on his head had been taken away. Jiang Yuanzhou had turned around and said to him behind him, "Let's go."

"Oh, oh." Shen Jiayan quickly followed.

On the way back, the car was very quiet all the time. Jiang Yuanzhou didn't say anything more, and his expression was pale.

Shen Jiayan, who was sitting on the co-driver, felt a little inexplicably unweary because of the quiet atmosphere. He turned his head and looked aside frequently all the way, but Jiang Yuanzhou seemed to be unaware of it and did not squint the whole process.

In this difficult atmosphere, they finally arrived at Shen's house.

It's past eight o'clock in the evening, and it's already dark outside. When the car drove into the villa, the floor lights in the front yard lit up to illuminate the garden carefully cared for by the gardener. Shen Jiayan has always felt that the villa is clean and neat inside and out. This was the first time he saw this villa, he was relieved.

The car slowly stopped at the gate, but Shen Jiayan did not get off the car in a hurry.

He untied his seat belt, turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuanzhou, and asked carefully, "Uncle Jiang, do you want to sit inside?"

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