Chapter73: Dormitory life

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Shen Jiayan waited in the car until he was about to fall asleep before Jiang Mingyue came back.

When he saw the other party coming back empty-handed, he couldn't help but be surprised, "Didn't you say you forgot something? Have you found it?"

The other party said faintly, "Take it back."

Shen Jiayan blinked, but did not ask more questions.

"So, can we go back to school?"


The car drove slowly and drove in the direction of the school.

On the way back, he doesn't know why, Shen Jiayan always felt that Jiang Mingyue seemed to be more silent than before, as if he was thinking about something.

Did something happen when he went back to the restaurant to pick up something?

Just as he peeked at him curiously, the other party seemed to notice his eyes and looked at him slightly.


"...nothing." Shen Jiayan withdrew his gaze.

He still closed his mouth silently in accordance with the principle of saying less, less mistakes when he got along with Jiang Mingyue.

When they arrived at the school gate, the two got out of the car and prepared to go back to the dormitory. Although there are not many people on campus at this time, some students are scattered all over the campus. The two of them are superior in shape, and it is also difficult to ignore in the dark. They attracted a lot of attention on the way back to the dormitory.

Originally, they thought it was just two handsome guys, but after everyone took a closer look and found that it was Jiang Mingyue and Shen Jiayan, they were shocked.

What the fuck?? Doesn't Jiang Mingyue hates Shen Jiayan the most? At that time, Shen Jiayan's pursuit of him was very violent. Everyone knew that Jiang Mingyue avoided him like a snake. At that time, Jiang Mingyue had to move out of the dormitory. Until some time ago, the relationship between the two was still very stiff. Why did the two appear together now, and they still look so peaceful??

Does Jiang Mingyue finally follow Shen Jiayan and agree to the other party's pursuit?

Shen Jiayan noticed the shocked sight thrown by the surroundings and felt a little uncomfortable. He glanced at Jiang Mingyue beside him and asked, "Well, won't you go back first?"

Jiang Mingyue looked at him faintly, "Why?"

"So many people are watching." Shen Jiayan glanced around awkwardly, "You don't want to be seen by others walking with me, do you?"

But unexpectedly, the other party just withdrew his sight and looked straight ahead. "It doesn't matter."

Shen Jiayan: ...Okay.

It's worthy of being a man set in the original work as a cold school hunk, who doesn't care about other people's eyes at all.

So the two returned to the dormitory in silence, trying to ignore the inquisitive eyes cast around them. What they didn't know was that some people even took pictures of the two walking together and sent them to the campus forum.

It didn't take long for this post to be covered with a thousand layers, and the post was all shocked.

However, neither Shen Jiayan nor Jiang Mingyue paid much attention to these, and they didn't know that everyone was excited to speculate about the relationship between them.

The next morning, Shen Jiayan had no class in the morning and slept in a lazy sleep. In the afternoon, there was a macro economy, which happened to be the class with Jiang Mingyue.

When he got up at noon, the bed opposite Jiang Mingyue was neatly packed, and he was sitting at his desk reading.

He yawned and rubbed his messy hair casually. Probably heard the noise, Jiang Mingyue, who was sitting at the desk, turned his head slightly and looked at him.

Shen Jiayan stiffened and said dryly to the other party, "It's good morning."

He thought that the other party would say something satirizing him, but he didn't. The other party just replied indifferently, "Well, good morning."

Then he turned around and continued to read.

Shen Jiayan blinked a little dullly, and his face couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

... He didn't mock him, and he replied to him early. Is this still Jiang Mingyue?

He felt a little strange and got off the bed. He went into the bathroom and began to wash up. After washing, he went back to his room to change his clothes. He took a T-shirt from the wardrobe and stood in front of the wardrobe to change.

The wardrobe was at the door of the room. The door was originally closed, but just then, Darren, who had just returned from class, came in from the door.

Shen Jiayan's hand on the hem of his clothes paused and greeted the other party.

"Yo, Brother Yan, are you going to play ball later?" Darren asked him.

Shen Feng Jiayan's ankle is almost ready now, and there should be no problem in playing basketball. He answered, "Okay."


Shen Jiayan punched him with a smile, and then he was ready to continue to take off his clothes.

Just as the clothes were about to pull over the abdomen, there was a sudden sound behind him.

He was stunned and stagnant. He looked back and found that it was the sound of the book Jiang Mingyue was reading just on the ground.

"Sorry." The other party said without any emotion.

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