Chapter 5

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"Well, this changes things." Mori stated.

They were seated at a long table in the conference room of the Port Mafia's headquarters, which looked out a spectacular view of Yokohama. Mori sat furthest away from the entrance, sitting by the head of the rectangular table, Chuuya and Kouyou sat opposite each other, facing towards their boss. They were closest to Mori, just as he wanted them to be.

Akutaguwa sat by Chuuya's side while Hirotsu sat by Kouyou's. Despite it being an executive meeting, Akutaguwa was at liberty to sit with them and discuss - Chuuya often joked that he was a mini executive - and so sat silently watching Mori for his reaction.

Mori observed Chuuya, the boy was irritated. He sat slouched, with a feigned air of indifference, and if not for Mori's trained eyes noticing the slight tense body language and the furrowed expression harboured in the boy's face, he would have thought that he didn't really care about the situation surrounding him at all.

"This definitely does. It seems we may have underestimated our enemies." Kouyou responded, she sat tall and proud. "It seems they knew Chuuya would come back today, which at least confirms the idea of a mole."

Akutaguwa scowled "Who would be the mole? They must be some idiot." He coughed slightly, muffled by his coat sleeved. Chuuya grinned slightly,
"I'm afraid we're the idiots, my boy. How come we don't know who they are?".

Mori interjected, "We've narrowed it down to a few select people. Soon, we'll find the mole, so I'm not too worried about them nor the organisation", he waved his hand in a flippant manner, "I'm more concerned about the safety of our most important member." His eyes flicked onto Chuuya, slightly crinkling with mirth at Chuuya's scoff.

Akutaguwa coughed again.

"I don't think I'm in any danger, Boss.", Chuuya responded. "What would you even do with me? Hide me away until the threat is gone?". Kouyou glared toward Chuuya disapprovingly."You got a sharp tongue, lad. Don't be so arrogant", she schooled.
Chuuya bit his cheek angrily to prevent any retaliation, while he adored Kouyou-San as a sister, she had no right to tell him off.

Mori hummed, grabbing everyone's attention, "Chuuya. While you are right, that it would be futile to hide you away, do not assume that the enemy is weak. Physical strength isn't the only strength. They may have networks, plans or new technology that will put you in danger." Chuuya looked pissed at him, yet Mori continued.

"So we still have to think of something to keep you safe. You are, after all the Port Mafia's greatest weapon and asset. Anything against you will be taken gravely to protect you."

You need to be in best condition. What use are you otherwise?

Hirotsu interrupted. "Perhaps we should keep Chuuya with the detective agency, if they allow it"

"Absolutely not."
Kouyou sneered, her upper lip curled in, spitting out the words as if they were poison. Akutaguwa nodded in agreement.

"The detective agency is weak and useless. What use would they have"

"Perhaps so, but Hirotsu may be right. The Agency is already helping us by trying to find the organisation responsible for this. Keeping Chuuya with them, will help them find out the truth and also keeps him safe from the Mafia, because as for now we have been compromised. We are in a truce as well, so this may possible work out." Mori said, his fingers interlaced.

Hirotsu, seemingly satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, leaned back on his seat and began lighting a cigarette. Akutagawa coughed uncomfortably.

Kouyou spoke, her voice annoyed but controlled, "Very well then. If this is needed to ensure the lad's safety, then I will support you. Hopefully this works out Ogai." A concealed warning.

Akutaguwa spoke out as well, "If Chuuya-San is with them, then the organisation will target them instead of us. The possibility of the agency being destroyed is a nice thought. Chuuya-San can also hurt them if they say anything bad about us".

Chuuya snorted. Having Akutaguwa in these meetings made them so much better due to his unknowingly hilarious statements

"Now now Akutagawa, don't forget we're supposed to be on friendly terms with them.", Mori faux admonished. "Chuuya, what are your thoughts?"

Chuuya blinked. Mori was staring at him, as was Kouyou. In all honesty, he didn't give a shit. Staying with the detectives seems like such a bore, and he was sure Mori was only sending him to them to make them tense and uncomfortable. The agency workers had past beliefs and prejudices against him, while he didn't care about them. He thought of them as morally hypocritical losers but he wouldn't lie to himself and say they weren't capable.

"It doesn't matter what I want. What matters is doing what the Port Mafia needs. If you need to send me away, then do so."

Mori looked pleased at the answer while Kouyou looked disapprovingly. Chuuya mentally sighed, Kouyou was gonna give him a lecture and act distant to him know. He also regretted saying those words in front of Akutaguwa, who was going to definitely internalise those words in an unhealthy manner.

But he wasn't worried. He's gone through so much more than this and some organisation wouldn't be the end of him. Not at all. Which is why, a few days later, he said nothing as he bowed his head in greeting to the Armed Detective Agency Members, as he was introduced to be temporarily staying with them.

He lifted up his head and stared bored at them all, his eyes softening as they passed over the kids. The looked like stones, stiff and unsure how to react. Chuuya wished he had stolen one of Hirotsu's cigarettes. He could really use a smoke, right now.

They better not piss him off.

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