The girl

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song, 'i wanna be yours' - arctic monkeys 

Vinn POV

I want to fucking murder my brother. Bold thing to say but it's true, me and my brother don't get on he's 2 years younger then me and a self centred bitch, he has always been my parents favourite, my father never laid a hand on him unlike me, I look in the mirrors the belt scars on my back practically taunting me, it might of been years ago that I was hit, but it's left a scare mentality and physically.I put on a crisp white shirt and black dress pants, I wear a black blazer, and bush out my hair, ready for the day

I leave my house around 6 to go to work, I had nothing big on today just meetings and discussions, I go outside my penthouse and go to my car it's a Porsche Gt3RS one of the hardest car to ever own, I drive my way to work, I find my self stopping outside the coffee shop I was yesterday with the angle of a girl.

I walk in there she was she was beautiful, one look at her and every girl in the world disappears, the way she smile and laughs and is kind, the way she made that out of pocket comment on how I need to read a dictionary, jokes on her I did, well technically I did I read half of it, when she told me that as soon as I got off work I started reading the dictionary, learning new words, i recon she wouldn't even know.

I walk up to the counter she immediately does that sweet cheesy smile a smile that could make any guy fold into 2 pieces "what can I get you Vinn?" She asks her voice full of enthusiasm and enjoyment, "Black coffee, and a muffin" I tell her my voice is rude, I don't want it to sound rude it just did "blueberry?" She asks me I nod and pull out my wallet i toss a $150 bill on the counter which she takes and but it into the tip jar, i don't know why she didn't just put it in her pocket, but whatever, she smiles and I walk away, I sit down at a table and watch her. I watch her make the black coffee, she looked angelic something out of a Disney movie.

When she finishes my drink she brings it over and places it down in front of me "There's your drink Sir" her voice is filled with softness, something so soft  as a cloud, "my muffin?" I tell her she smiles and walks of she comes back not even 40 seconds later with a muffin "And your muffin" she says excitedly, "Melody right?" i ask as i look at the pink name tag on her shirt, she looks at me confused, "name tag" i tell her she looks down at it and laughs, "ohh yes, yes my name is Melody" she says, "tell me how old are you", god i sound like a fucking creep asking her these questions "im 22, how old are you?" she's 5 years younger then me, not bad, "28" i say she then looks excited "yesss" she says loudly to herself "did i miss something?" i ask her curiously, "no sorry i was guessing how old you were in my head and i got it correct" her voice still filled with enthusiasm, "right." i tell her, she then walks off.

I finished my food and walk out of the coffee shop, I head to work, I enter the office and sally the 54 year old receptionist lady smiles at me as I enter, I walk straight past her and go up the elevator to my office where Asher Dean and James Tate when already sitting down.

Elijah and James are my best mates, I met Elijah when I was in high school right after my mum died around 15, and I met James first year involved with the mafia 7 years ago, I sit down in front of them "Is he dead?" I bluntly ask they look nervous, "he's not dead" I say "Yep he's alive" Elijah said, "so John Sam a rapist is still out there, why" I ask them calmly "he got away but we know his going to club angle tonight we can kill him tonight" James says, "no, I'll go bye myself as you two idiots can't do it"i tell them.
I am pissed that they did not do it tonight, "mate can we go, i wanna get fucked up," James says, i look at him dirty, "go another night?" i tell him, "no, i wanna go tonight", i give in "fine you can come but only after 9pm" i tell him they both nod and get us "now get the hell out" Elijah flips me off and walks out James following.

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