1-The Change of Heart

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Chapter 1

In the depths of the underworld, where the air was thick with the stench of sulfur and the echoes of distant screams, two demons faced each other on the charred battlefield. The malevolent aura that surrounded them crackled with dark energy as they prepared for a battle that would shake the very foundations of hell.

Park Jimin, with violet hair curling menacingly from his skull, glared across the desolate landscape at his adversary, Prince Jeon Jungkook, whose blood-red wings unfurled like a sinister omen. The ground beneath them trembled as they circled each other, the air pulsating with an otherworldly tension.

The first strike was swift and brutal, a clash of claws that sent sparks of maroon energy into the air. Jungkook's eyes glowed with an unholy fervor as he lunged at Jimin, seeking to overpower his opponent with sheer force. Jimin, however, was quick to evade, his agility matching his cunning.

The Great Son of Satan, Prince Jeon Jungkook, and Prince Park Jimin were in the middle of a mist-ridden sulphureous battlefield............hell. As the agony of pain and cries shot through the air, the two best friends clawed and shot tonnes of energy at each other. Jungkook, demon of rage, and Jimin, demon of temptation and seduction, were like bread and butter......well, except for this very instance where the mighty princes of hell had gotten into a little argument.

The sky above them seemed to bleed as the demons clashed, each blow echoing with a guttural growl. Flames licked the horizon, casting an eerie glow on the landscape, revealing the scars of countless battles that had unfolded in this damned realm.

Jimin summoned shadows that twisted and contorted into tendrils of darkness, attempting to ensnare Jungkook. But Jungkook, with a sinister grin, unleashed a torrent of hellfire, incinerating the shadows before they could take hold. Their demonic roars echoed through the abyss as they continued their relentless dance of destruction. Jungkook's wings, as red as the abyss, buffeted the air as he soared above Jimin, descending with a ferocious downward strike.

As the battle raged on, the demons became a blur of ethereal forms, their movements too swift for mortal eyes to follow. Each clash of their demonic weapons sent shockwaves through the hellish realm, shattering the landscape into fragments of obsidian and bone.

The dance of death unfolded with a savage elegance, a twisted ballet that left a trail of destruction in its wake. As the final blow loomed, Jungkook summoned the darkest depths of his power, channeling the essence of the abyss into a malevolent vortex. Jimin, at the verge of giving up, finally shot both hands up in the air, a sign of his defeat.

When the smoke cleared, the battlefield lay in ruins. Jungkook and Jimin, battered and bloodied, locked eyes with a mixture of laughter and mutual respect. The scars of their battle would linger in the underworld, as the malevolent winds carried whispers of their unholy clash into the abyss.

Finally, both got tired and settled on the ground as their wings spread a wave of Sulphur powder and ash as they sat down side by side

Jungkook: "Your hellfire is the weakest thing above mortals"

Jimin: "Yeah? Well, I'm not the crown prince so it doesn't really matter......."

Jungkook's eyes turned as bright as a ruby, and he glared at his oldest friend who mentioned his coronation.

Jungkook: "Shut up ......I still have to find that crystal. That two-tailed horse will never tell me, I'm on my own...."

Jimin: "Did you just call your father a tow-tailed horse?!!" both boys started bursting out laughing and wheezing in the middle of his sentence........

Ethereal Euphoria- J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now