3-Beginning of the Quest

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Chapter 3

Jungkook descended from the celestial realm, his colossal wings slicing through the fabric of reality as he opened the gates of Hell and Earth. As he descended, his wings unfurled like a fiery cascade, each feather aglow with an otherworldly light. The ethereal flames that danced along the edges of his wings painted streaks of orange and crimson against the backdrop of the cosmic canvas.

The air rippled with his descent. It was not merely a physical journey but a convergence of realms, a merging of celestial energies with the earthly elements.

The transition was marked by a symphony of sounds-the whoosh of displaced air, the crackling of celestial fire, and the distant echoes of realms colliding. Stars blinked in acknowledgment as if paying homage to a celestial prince gracing the earthly stage.

The descent culminated in a controlled descent upon a skyscraper, the city below unaware of the celestial visitor. Jungkook's feet touched down, and the skyscraper's crown became his perch. His wings, once a celestial tempest, folded with grace, the flames subsiding into a quiet radiance.

The shift in the atmosphere persisted, a lingering echo of the celestial arrival. It was as if reality retained the imprint of his presence. The city, bathed in the glow of neon lights, continued its nocturnal rhythm, oblivious to the celestial visitor who had momentarily breached the veil between worlds.

He touched down on the pinnacle of a skyscraper as gracefully as one can be, the city below bathed in the soft glow of his presence. His imposing figure seemed to intertwine with the crown of the building.

Jungkook tapped his black, polished boot on the edge of the wall of the skyscraper. If anyone saw him, they would for sure think that this young man was gonna jump and suicide. He folded his wings as much as he could and finally whispered a mantra to take his human form. His brown orbs scanned the vast city of Seoul in the night as the city lights danced in his eyes.

'It seems as if the earthly realm has developed' a silent thought played in his head. Since his last visit 4000 years ago, with all his friends, the kings and swordfights of those days now vanished somewhere. It gave rise to high buildings and lights which caught his eye. No wonder he despised his world so much.

Jungkook now faced the task of navigating down to the streets below. But just as he was going to unfold his wings again, a smell of Sulphur hit his nose causing him to whip his head back and see a pair of beings soaring the skies like an eagle and landing on the cement below him. He smirked and got off the edge as a redhead man with yellow wings faceplanted on the cement before him.

'he wont ever learn how to land'

He stood up and bowd at Jungkook with a boxy smile and took him in a brohug. Another man next to him, blond hair, and blue-winged smiled at them.

Taehyung: "And would you care to explain why you have descended in this.... magic-less realm?" The grey-winged demon whirled his index finger around indicating their surroundings.

Jungkook's gaze moved in the direction his tongue poked his inner cheek.

Jungkook: "I think maybe it's high time we start looking......"

Jimin: "For?"


The wind rustled their folded feathers and played a little with their hair.

Jungkook turned and looked back to the vast expanding city below him, something he had never seen before.

Jungkook was looking for answers. What destroyed hell? He was looking for something that could restore magic in his mother's crystal, in a magic-less realm. He was looking for answers to his dream. He was looking..............for his mother.

Ethereal Euphoria- J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now