Chapter 6- Poems Foretold

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Chapter 6

The morning sun, although bright, brought with it an unusual coldness, as if its rays had traversed the vastness of space before entering the room. As the light streamed through the small windows of the place where Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung had found the manuscript, it carried an ethereal quality. The dust particles in the air danced in slow motion, caught in the delicate embrace of the chilly sunlight.

The manuscript, aged and worn, lay on a table, bathed in the soft glow of the cold sun. It was 12 pm in the morning, and the library was open at its usual hours. Y/N was not on duty right now, as she had college to attend. The boys were told that she has the second shift, from 5 pm to 9pm.

As the three demons huddled around the table, the cold sun rays illuminated the delicate script, revealing a history that had long been shrouded in mystery. The air in the room felt still, as if time itself was holding its breath to witness the secrets that had been hidden within the confines of the manuscript.

The language used was a very old and ancient language of hell. Since they were demons who had been alive from the beginning of time, they could comprehend, but if it were to be a demon born about a century ago or so, they wouldn't even be able to frame a single word.

Jimin read the manuscript out loud:

"Hell runs to death, subjected to decay,

but once he falls, his her shall light the way.

Thy bright crystal that lied in his luna,

shall restore power to all of hell's dismay.

How blessed shall hell be,

when the second queen kills her heart in thy crown.

Let human heart pump the land of sin and wickedness, of evil and iniquity."

After a confused pause, Taehyung finally spoke up, "What the actual hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this even relevant to our search?"

Jimin: "Maybe we just can't decode it, but it sure is talking about hell's dismay, and some type of crystal.......and second queen...."

The room fell silent as the weird and unfamiliar words of the poetry hung in the air. Second queen? Jungkook's wife?

After a very long pause, Jungkook: "What about her?"

Jimin re-read: "the second queen kills her heart in thy crown.

Let human heart pump the land of sin and wickedness, of evil and iniquity."

Taehyung: "So the next queen huh? She'll kill herself? Inside a crown?"

Jimin: "No, doofus. It means something deeper; the second queen will kill her heart in front of a crown? And her heart will pump hell? What type of shit is this?"

Taehyung: "Dipshit. Look, maybe we should see another poem, this makes no sense. We can't even be sure if it was written by a foresighted demon. Some drunk or crazy person could also have written gibberish."

Jungkook's voice laced with deep thoughts: "Don't put it back, keep this one separate. I want that mortal to see it, and maybe she can do something about its meaning, maybe look up in that black flat notebook."

Taehyung: "Thats called a laptop. But anyways, lets search some more."

The boys continue scanning their fingers over ancient scripts and pages that can upturn history. In the dimly lit room, Jungkook's eyes scanned the assortment of ancient documents that lined the shelves. He bypassed leather-bound and weathered scrolls, searching for something elusive. Amidst the organized chaos, he finally noticed a solitary rack tucked away, seemingly forgotten.

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