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      fantasias job/pov: 4 days later.

ive only been here a four days, and im already enjoying it. who knew working would be this fun. they instantly made me feel comfortable here. i only work seven hours and get paid every week, tell me thats not the best thing ever.

my friends come in from time to time, cracking jokes and congratulating me.

my birthday is tomorrow, so hopefully, i dont have to work on it. even if i do ill still have time to celebrate or just relax with my parents and friends.

as of now, i have a customer.

"excuse me"

"hey, how may i help?"

"so i wanna purchase a promise ring, but im not sure which one to get. could you maybe...help out?"

"what do you have in mind?"

"rose gold, white diamonds"

"good pick! so there's plenty to choose from. which one do you think would look great on her?"

"the one with the diamond heart in the middle. you think she'd love it?"

"i know she will"

"ill take it"

"alright, i just have to box it up, and its all yours. the total is three hundred twenty-one dollars and forty-two cents"

he gave me five hundred.

"you gave me too much"

"no thats your tip. thank you so much. "

"you're welcome. come back and tell me how it goes. "

"of course, and by the way, im jason."

"fantasia, nice to meet you, jason."

"likewise, later, fantasia."

"later, jason!"

"that went well" melony spoke from behind me.

"yeah, he seemed so genuine"

"he could be a serial killer for all we know."

"girl.." i laughed, rolling my eyes.

                    on my break:

i grabbed a footlong from subway and ate while i talked to jen, who is still panicking about her phone missing.

"when you get back home, look under the couch!"

"stop yelling, i will"

"i cant do nothing on this phone. all of my pictures and everything is in the other one."

"you'll get it back, be patient"

"be patient? patient? i been patient for four fucking days!"

"be patient until i make it home to see if you left it. can you do that?"

"you get off in five hours. that's too long"

"you went four days without. what's five hours gonna hurt?"

"you right. ok, i'll wait."

"yeah, so my break is over, later best!"


infinity came out to join me right before i stood up.

"you have a customer"

"you could've taken them while i was out here"

"no, they specifically asked for you"

i was confused.

i got up, throwing the other half of the sub away, and going back inside.

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