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           fantasias apartment/pov:

i woke up for work, got dressed, you know, did the regular. i take my black self outisde and found myself with 4 flat tires. they were obviously slashed on purpose. now im extra late for work, i probably got fired.

"how you mad at me for something i aint even do?"

"it was your stupid girlfriend. i know she did it!"

"pan wouldn't do that shit"

"t dont make me get violent with you."

"what? im just saying"

"why wouldn't you say she's not your girlfriend?"

"why would you assume she is?"

"whatever. whats taking my mom so long to get here!"

"calm down, tasia. all the walking back and forth, making me nervous. relax"

"if you weren't here, you wouldn't have to see it. the heck.."


the instant regret.

"t wait. i didnt mean that"

"you let that shit slip. stand on it"

she walked out. i fell back on my bed and covered my face.

my mom came twenty minutes later.


"stop yelling, im in here"

"hey, what happened to your car?"

"my fucking tires are flat"

"since when did you start swearing?"

"since my birthday."

"you had no reason to curse monique. you've never done that."

well that was before my lace got lifted, but anyway.

"anyway, get up. you wanted this job so come on"

"she's not giving it back. she told me not to be late anymore."

"then we'll tell her why."

i was stuck on what i said to t. i wasn't even that focused on the job anymore.

"i dont wanna go"

"you begged us to let you work. you cant quit now. "

"you're right. im sorry, i don't know what i was thinking."

"thats my girl."

: im sorry for what i said. i didnt mean it, you know that.

: i may be getting my job back, so pick me up at two?

i didnt wanna call her sensitive because if that were me, i would've left, too. ill automatically feel as if you dont want me around you.


"you're lucky, Barrino."

my mom showed her proof of my tires being slashed, so she let me get my job back.

i checked my phone, still no response from t. she didn't even read it.

"thank you so much for letting her get the job back."

"my pleasure."

"later, baby. ill pick you up"

"mommy actually i have someone coming already"



"do i know that someone, can you trust them?"

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