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I have posted 4 different chapters at the same time, this is the fourth 🤍

I have posted 4 different chapters at the same time, this is the fourth 🤍

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Ophelia's POV

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, signaling another day trapped in this gilded cage, Killian rose early to attend to his business. Despite his attempts to engage me in conversation before leaving, I remained resolutely silent, unwilling to acknowledge him after the events of the previous night.

Alone once more, the silence of the room echoed the tumult of emotions raging within me. A maid entered, bearing a tray of food, but I waved her away with a shake of my head, the mere thought of eating turning my stomach.

I remained in bed, cocooned in a haze of despair and self-recrimination. The weight of guilt pressed down on me, suffocating me with its unrelenting grip. Lucas's death weighed heavily on my conscience, a constant reminder of the consequences of my actions.

His death was my fault...

If I would have just not talked to him, he would've been okay...

With each passing moment, the realization sank in deeper—I was a harbinger of pain and suffering, a cursed vessel that brought nothing but misery to those around me. The memory of my brother's broken arm haunted me, a stark testament to the havoc I unwittingly wreaked upon those I loved.

Everyone that comes near me, ends up hurting because of me...

I cried until there were no tears left to shed, the hollow ache in my chest echoing the emptiness of my soul. In that solitary moment, I felt utterly and irreparably broken, adrift in a sea of despair with no hope of salvation.

Killian's abrupt entrance into the bedroom shattered the fragile tranquility that had enveloped the room, his presence a looming specter of authority and control. An undercurrent of annoyance tinged his voice as he demanded an explanation for my refusal to eat, his words laced with an unmistakable edge of anger.

"Why won't you eat?!" His voice rang out sharply, the tone a stark contrast to the gentle cadence of morning light filtering through the window.

"I-I'm not hungry," I murmured softly, my gaze fixed resolutely on the floor, unwilling to meet his penetrating stare.

"Eat now," he commanded, his voice brooking no opposition as he sought to assert his dominance over me.

"No," I whispered defiantly, a tremor of fear coursing through my veins as I dared to defy him.

"Either you go downstairs and eat, or shoving the food down your throat is always an option," he threatened, his words a chilling reminder of the consequences of disobedience.

"Why! Why can't you just leave me be?" I cried out, the anguish of my heartache pouring forth in a torrent of emotion.

"Because Bunny, you were mine the second I laid my eyes on you. So you better get used to this," he declared, his words echoing in the hollow emptiness of the room, a chilling reminder of the extent of his possession over me.

"Fuck you"

My muttered expletive slipped past my lips before I could stop it, a fleeting moment of defiance in the face of his relentless control. I braced myself for the inevitable backlash, expecting his wrath to rain down upon me like a torrential storm.

But instead of erupting in a fit of rage, Killian's response was swift and decisive. In one fluid motion, he hoisted me up over his shoulder, my body suspended in midair as I grappled with the sudden shock of his actions.

"Do you always manhandle women when you don't get your way, asshole?" I retorted, the bitterness of my words tinged with a simmering anger that threatened to boil over.

"Just with you, Bunny," he replied, his voice dripping with amusement as he delivered a sharp slap to my backside, the familiar sting echoing the memories of our encounter in the woods.

As I struggled against his grasp, I felt a sinking sense of dread settle in the pit of my stomach. Killian's iron grip held me firmly in place, his arms wrapped around me like a vice as he settled into the chair at the head of the table.

With a sinking feeling, I looked around the room and realized that we weren't alone. His men were seated at the table, their imposing figures casting long shadows in the dimly lit room. Six men in total, three on each side of Killian and me, their impassive expressions betraying nothing of their thoughts or intentions.

Feeling trapped and vulnerable, I squirmed in his lap, desperate to break free from his suffocating hold. But no matter how hard I struggled, his grip remained unyielding, a constant reminder of my powerlessness in the face of his dominance.

"Can you please let me go," I begged him, desperation creeping into my voice.

"I gave you a chance, love. Now you have to face the consequences of your actions," he smirked, his tone cold and unforgiving.

"I can't wait until the day I get away from you," I retorted, turning my head away from him in anger.

Killian's expression hardened at my defiance. His gaze turned serious as he addressed his men, the food laid out before them.

He singled out a man sitting next to us, tall and imposing, with a scar marring his rugged features.

"Enzo, please enlighten my naive fiancée about the security system in the house," Killian ordered, his voice dripping with authority.

Enzo turned to me, his gaze avoiding mine as he spoke. "In every room, there are at least two cameras, and in every corridor, two guards patrol. Additionally, ten guards stand watch at the entrance, ensuring no one enters or exits without the boss's permission."

"And they all have guns?" Killian inquired, his smirk returning as he sought confirmation.

"Of course, boss," Enzo affirmed, his voice steady despite the gravity of his words.

As Enzo spoke, a chill ran down my spine, the full extent of Killian's control over me becoming painfully clear. The realization that I was constantly being watched, my every move monitored and scrutinized, sent a shiver of fear coursing through me.

I turned to Killian, my eyes wide with disbelief and fear. "You have cameras in every room?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his smirk widening into a predatory grin. "That's right, my dear. Every room, every corridor, every corner of this house is under surveillance. I always know what you're up to, whether you like it or not."

The weight of his words settled heavily on my shoulders, crushing me beneath their suffocating grip. Trapped in this gilded cage of his making, I felt a surge of helplessness wash over me, my breath catching in my throat as I struggled to come to terms with the grim reality of my situation.


How will she get away??😭😅

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