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Kim Namjoon was a typical teenager or that's what everyone one the knew about him thought, he was a very reserved person also very private about his life, he was mostly seen with his friends, six other males that were the same way, very private, distant and very strange.
Y/n had just moved to Ilsan South Korea from Gwanju.
She was new at school, she was shy and introverted.
She never would have thought that meeting Kim Namjoon and the others would change her life forever.
The first day at school she felt really nervous and apprehensive about what could she expect from the students at this school.
She walked through the doors and looked around the ocean of students in front of her, she felt how her stomach began to feel like she had tons of butterflies flapping their wings around.
-" ohhh, I just wonder what awaits for me in here at this new school!"
She walked in and made her way to the main office to get her schedule.
-" good morning ma'am, I just transferred here to this school, I just came to get my class schedule.
-" oh yes of course, what's the name?"
-" y/l/n, y/n.
-" ok give me one second I'll be right back.
As the secretary went to get the paper for her, she heard the door opened behind her, when she turned she saw the most beautiful sexy boy coming in, she felt chills running through her body just by taking a glance at him.
She didn't realized that she was staring at the handsome young man, until she heard the voice of the lady calling her as she was holding her class schedule in her hand.
-" miss here is your class schedule!"
She blinked finally turning her head around to look at the lady.
-" ahhh, thank you ma'am.
She said grabbing it then walked towards the door, Namjoon had a smirk painted on his face as she walked by him and went out the door.
He followed her with his eyes until she could no longer be seen.
-" woah.
She said as she walked through the hallways to find her classroom, as she walked to the door without realizing that there was a guy was walking the opposite direction immersed in his class schedule as well looking for his classroom, they bumped into each other, knocking her down.
-" ouch, shit.
She said as she rubbed her butt which was hurting from the impact.
-" aigoo, I'm so sorry darling.
The pink haired boy said bending to extending his hand out to help her up.
-" ahhh, is ok I wasn't paying attention either.
-" are you ok dear?"
He asked with concern.
-" yes I'm fine, don't worry about it, are you ok?"
She said with a shy smile.
-" yes come on let's get you up.
He said while he pulled up so she could get off, once she was up she found his beautiful blue eyes.
-" wait what is this, first the one with the blond hair in the admissions office and now him, what is this place sexy boy paradise?
-" well if you are ok, I got to get to class ok, see you around.
The boy nodded before turning around then walked off, before she could say anything else to him.
-" well let me just go and find my class before I'm late.
She made her way finally making it to her home room.
She found another group of boys just as good looking as the other two that she previously saw, her jaw hung when she went inside the class, eyes landing on the blond haired boy from earlier when she was in the office.
She felt a tingling sensation as their eyes meet, his eyes were tantalizing and hypnotic, for some reason she couldn't look away from him, he smiled at her quickly lowering his gaze.
She made her way to the back to the room to find a seat, she felt his gaze burning up her skin.
-" aigoo, all these boys are beautiful, but this one right here is just the icing on the cake.
She smiled to herself watching the others walked through the door sitting around him, the teacher walked up to the desk to introduce himself.
-" hello youngsters my name is Park Jeongsu but you can call me Leetuk.
-" miss y/n welcome to my class, Mr. Kim?
-" yes Mr. Leetuk?
-" can you please let miss y/n borrow your notes so she can catch up with the work?, I'm pretty sure that I can trust you with that, now miss y/n meet Mr. Kim Namjoon I'm going to assign him to help you with all the work that we have covered so far, now let's get started.
After class was over everyone walked out of the classroom, y/n was still packing up her stuff, when she turned around to walk out she found Namjoon standing behind her.
-" jeez what the fuck?"
He gave her a smirk.
-" I apologize didn't mean to scare you, I just came to give you this.
He said handing her his notebook, she took it opening it, he had already marked the pages that she needed to copy.
-" just make copies then give it to me before the day is over I need to study later on, we have a test coming up.
He turned then walked away but she stop him.
-" where do I find you?"
-" I'll find you don't worry y/n.
He said finally walking out of the room.
-" that's a weird kid.
She said before walking to the library to make copies as fast as she could so when he would look for her she could give him his notebook.
She made it to the library noticing from far away 7 guys looking at her, the same guys from the classroom, she looked away quickly when she felt their gazes fixed on her, but then she noticed that Namjoon was amongst them, he was motioning towards her while talking to the others.
She quickly turned her head walking inside the library.
She walked up to the copy machines when she felt a presence, she looked behind her, there it was a guy standing besides her.
She jumped slightly.
-" hello?!
She said with a low tone of voice.
-" hello, my name is Peniel, how about you?"
-" y/n.
She looked at him but something about his presence didn't sit right with her.
-" are you new around here?"
-" yes, can I help you?, I don't mean to be rude but I'm kinda in a rush.
-" ahhh, you are very shy, you aren't from around here are you?"
-" no I'm from Gwanju.
-" ahhhh, cool I'm from Chicago, Illinois in America.
-" cool.

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