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He sighed deeply before latched on his fangs on her wrist, as began to suck his eyes teared up, her scent and her warmth ran through his body.
Jin noticed that she was turning pale.
-" that's enough Namjoon.
But he wouldn't stop.
He panicked so he pushed him, making him let go.
-" that's enough or you'll kill her.
Namjoon came back in his senses backing away from them, the ride to the house felt like an eternity but they finally made it, they all flew out of the cars walking inside the house.
Namjoon looked at Jin with a broken heart.
- " hyeong do you think...?"
-" she still alive, we have to wait until she wakes up.
Yoongi said.
-" I'll take her hyeong. "
Namjoon said walking towards Jin, he nodded placing her in his arms.
The boys saw him walking towards the area where their bedrooms were.
He disappeared at the distance finally making it to his room.
Namjoon felt defeated, torn up, destroyed, as he walked inside his little place where he could get lost in his own thoughts, opening the door he walked in until he reached the bed placing her softly, he just looked at her.
-" please don't take her away from me, I can't live without her.
He dropped on his knees sobbing.

Days went by rolling into weeks, there it was no change in y/n's state, she was still laying on Namjoon's bed since the day that he laid her there.
Namjoon and the boys were broken down, they barely talked, they only came out of their rooms to have some blood or a piece of meat, after that the same way they would go back into their rooms, the one looking the worst it was Namjoon of course, the others were really worried about him.

Yoongi and Jin were in the kitchen talking one afternoon.
-" hyeong what's going on, why isn't she waking up?, she should have by now, don't you think?"
-" yes Yoongiah, she should have, I don't know what's going on, I know she still alive, I can feel her but why isn't she waking up, Namjoon sucked all the venom of her, so I know she is clear from it.
Jin looked at Yoongi feeling clueless and empty, the girl has gotten close to them, they saw her like a part of them, like a part of their little family so they were ambiguous at what was going on inside her at this point.
-" I feel bad for Namjoon, he looks terrible, I don't know what to do nor what to say to him.
Yoongi said looking out the kitchen window.
-" hello hyeongs.
A sad Hoseok walked in the kitchen seating with them at the table.
-" are you hungry Hoseokah?"
Jin asked his dongsaeng.
-" no hyeong, I'm fine thanks, I just want my girl to wake up, that's all I need right now.
-" we know Hobi, believe that.
Namjoon walked in the kitchen.
-" I'm going out hyungs, I'll be back in a while.
-" where are you going Namjoonah?"
Jin asked before he walked out the door.
-" out of here I feel like I can't breathe, I'm going to the cliff for a while just to clear my mind.
-" take care Namjoonssi, please don't do anything reckless.
Hoseok told him in a serious tone.
-" I can't get any worse so I won't don't worry.
With this he walked out the kitchen door.
He began to walk through the woods feeling down and defeated.
Slowly without any direction he made it to the cliff well he first confessed to y/n who we really was, they saw the sunrise together, he sat on the edge looking afar to the clouds, he just sat there for a long time staring the horizon.
-" please bring her back to me.
He couldn't believe that tears were rolling down his cheeks, it's the first time as long as he had been breathing.
He felt like something had been ripped from his chest.
Hours went by when he finally got up then decided to walk back to the house.
When he turned around he saw her standing there staring at him, her eyes were glowing red, he let out a gasp.
-" jagi.
He moved faster that he thought making it to her.
His hands move fast to cup her face.
-" baby, I'm alive.
He looked at her eyes were red, she was turned into one of them, he never expected that to happen when he met her.
He put her head down not knowing what to think at that moment, the silence was making the atmosphere thick and heavy.
She looked at him now knowing what to expect.
-" yes you are.
She ran her fingers through his hair.
-" what's the matter baby?, I thought you'd be more excited than this.
-" I'm excited baby girl, I promise I'm just trying to let it sink in.
-" like what baby.
-" do you feel any different?"
-" me a little bit but, for the rest I feel fine.
-" do you know that you are not human anymore right?"
-" what are you talking about baby, why are you playing this kind of jokes right now?"
-" I'm being serious.
-" but... how?"
-" I had to bite you to get the venom out of your system otherwise you could have died.
-" so it wasn't a nightmare, it really happened?"
-" yes baby, I couldn't make it to you on time, I failed you.
-" I remember when I went to the bathroom and...
She let out a gasp.
-" he was there and....
She began to remember also began to have flashbacks of what happened.
-" he bit you, I made it on time to get him of you but I couldn't make it to stop him from hurting you, I'm so sorry jagi!"
-" stop blaming yourself for what happened is not our fault baby.
She said pulling him closer to her.
He wrapped her with his arms laying his head on hers, he felt the tears streaming down his cheeks.
-" I love you jagi, what have I done to you, I should not have gotten close to you, you would still be you...
-" please don't say things like that Namjoon, it hurts to hear stuff like that from you.
She teared up too.
-" aigoo, I don't want to cause you pain jagi, please don't cry.
He dried the tears with his thumbs before kissing her cheek.
-" I'm sorry that I'm not the same person anymore, if you think don't like me anymore I'll understand.
-"jagi you being one of us now, is not going to stop me from loving you.

VAMPIRE IN MY DREAMS SERIES Where stories live. Discover now