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"Why is it so early" I grumble to myself as I take my cup filled with coffee and thud down on my couch. I take the remote and turn the small tv on. "This is Channel five with the six o'clock news." The woman who is delivering the morning news is really fake smiling this time and her teeth, gosh too white.
I take a few sips of my coffee, letting myself slowly wake up as the sky outside my windows turns from dark to a beautiful golden glow.
I feel my stomach twist and my fingers on my right hand twitch as my nerves grow stronger with the minute. I down my coffee which wasn't that hot anyway and quickly make my way to my small bathroom.

This has to be a new record.
I run out of my apartment building as the doors close with a clap behind me. "Taxi!" It is early but still I cannot afford to be late on my first day at the job. A cap stops in front of me and I pull the door open, thud down on the bench. "Where to miss?" The taxi driver with a heavy accent asks me. "SHIELD office" I state as I take my compact mirror out of my bag and take a quick look at myself.
I did my make-up and hair in record time and I have to say it is decent.
I sway a bit to the left and right as the taxi driver professionally dodges or overtakes other cars.
Within twenty minutes what was with the sub roughly forty minutes I arrive at the headquarters.
"Good luck missy," The driver smiles as I give him what I own him with a tip. I close the door and I take a deep breath as I walk to the doors which open automatically. I feel my heart flutter with nerves and anticipation. But I am also excited as I was when I got the mail I was accepted at the job. The lobby was bustling with agents, as I take a deep breath again, my fingers twitching.
I really need to control it.
I walk to the reception where the lady behind the desks smiles invitingly. "Good Morning" She says.
"Hi," I say, trying to control my nerves and trembling hand. "I was told that I can pick up my ID badge"
"Your name, please"
"Rachel Miller," I answer. The woman quickly types in my name and as she is busy reading whatever is on that computer, I gaze around. "Yes, welcome to SHIELD, Agent Miller." I hear as I turn back to the receptionist, who hands me my ID badge. I take it. "Your orientation starts in conference room three. Good luck" She says with a professional smile. I nod as I feel my throat tighten with emotion.
I did it! I am an Agent at freaking SHIELD.
I clip the badge on my black blazer and quickly make my way to the elevator and press level 2 as it states conference room one till ten.

The orientation was a blur of protocols, security measures, and an overview of SHIELD's global operations. I tried to listen intensely and I was taking notes and absorbing as much as I could. When the instructor finally announces a break, I feel my head spinning with information.
I need coffee.

I cram my notes in my bag and try to seek the cafeteria.
I hope they even have one, that instructor was rough!
I walk out of the conference room and walk towards the elevators.
They have a cafeteria!
I step inside one of the elevators which is opening its doors and I push level eight. As I reach level eight, I quickly step out and make my way to the line to order. I scan the room, observing the agents who are talking. Some seem to have a heated discussion,
"First day?" I try not to jump as a voice behind me calls out. I turn around and meet eyes with a woman my age. She smiles friendly. "Yes," I reply, returning the smile. "But I have to say it is quite overwhelming"
"You'll get used to it," the woman assures me. "I'm Maya, by the way."
"Rachel Miller," I say, introducing myself and shaking Maya's extended hand.
"If you need anything, just let me know. We newbies need to stick together," Maya winks as she orders her coffee.
But she pushes in front of the line, rude!
"Thanks, I might take you up on that," I say a bit annoyed as Maya picks up her coffee. With a spring in her step she walks away. I turn to the cashier. "A middle sized cup with normal milk, please," I order as the cashier nods and prepares my order. I pay with my phone and take the cup. I walk quickly back to the line of elevators and push level two to go back to my introduction.
The second half of the day is training. And that is combat, knife throwing, shooting.
I have to say, knife throwing is something I am remarkably good at.
And the training facility was something else, i mean it is a massive room, again with a lot of windows so you can gaze out over Manhattan. It is decked out with a lot, and I mean a lot of targets in all sorts and practice dummies designed for combat training. So when I enter the facility, I immediately choose a set of balanced throwing knives, i test the weight in my hand. I position myself in front of the target, remembering the basic instructions I have been given and I remember the days my dad went to the fair with us and I won a teddy for my younger sister.
The memory makes me smile as I stand firm and aim. I throw and the knife goes a lot to the right, missing the target completely.
I quickly look around as someone saw, my fingers twitching, my right suddenly hurting as nerves flood into my system.
Keep it under control
I retrieve the knife and try again. This time the knife hits the space near the bullseye.
Yes! Okay this is a bit better!
I throw another and another, everytime missing the bullseye.
why is it so damn hard to hit the bullseye!
I look around again, luckily no other agent is keeping an eye on me. But when I look to the left, my eyes meet his, James.
He leans casually against one of the window frames, watching me, a faint smile on his lips. "Need some help with that?" He asks as his eyes glimmer.
O God.
"Uh, yeah." My voice is uneven.
Please let me disappear!
"Are you always finding trouble or do you just like it?" He teases me as he nods towards the discarded knives. I laugh. "Well, I guess some things don't change as quickly as we'd like"
The handsome guy with the black-hair, a messy bun keeping his hair together, my hero of the evening.
He is a freaking SHIELD agent!
"Rachel?" He asks, a small smile on his lips as he waves his hand in front of me. "Oh, yeah, sorry," I gaze at him. "Wait, my name. How do you know?" He points at my ID. "I can read ms. Miller." He smirks and I laugh.
O lord, he thinks i am stupid. Why did I ask that?
"Okay, I am going to show you something. Balance is the key" James explains as he continues like I am not ashamed at all. I hand him a knife and he stands firm, with a perfect grip. "Like this, you throw with your whole body, not just your arm"
I watch him as he explains. His muscular back and arm as he throws the knife and hits the bullseye. "Okay, so now you try" He says as he steps aside to give me space. I take the last knife out of my set and take a deep breath. I do as he did, and throw the knife with my whole body instead using my arm only. I focus on the target and throw the knife landing in the dot of the target.
"Look at you!" James says and I turn to him, he smiles.

We practice like this for an hour or so, until his watch starts to ring with a high sound. He looks at it and clicks on a small button on the side of the watch. "Sorry Rachel, I have to go!"
"Yes, of course!" I say a bit to fast. "But thank you for the help James,"
"Most of the people here call me Bucky." He answers. "I like James more," I reply, feeling my nerves come back at full force, my hand twitching but I ignore it.
"That's the first," His tone is warm and gentle as he says that, even a bit sad. But he smiles at me. "And hey, if you ever run into more trouble, you know where to find me!"
"What? You are always here?" I try to joke but I get interrupted by his watch again. "Sort of," he grins. "I'll see you soon, okay! I have to go!" He says, now in a hurry as he turns around and quickly walks out of the training facility.
I watch him go, my heart hammering.
I cannot fall for him. He is a SHIELD agent and a damn good one.
But my stomach is twirling and my heart is telling something else.

Frayed Bonds - A BuckyBarnes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now