Chapter 3: The Arrival

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X wandered through the woods as he fixed his new armor to his body. He themed it after the aquatic axolotl, which he would be sure to find plenty of during the season.

He remembered everything. That's why he wandered off from the others. The Abyss, Technoblade, Light's sacrifice. Why did HE remember? Did Light? More importantly, False wasn't there...because of him.

X was barely conscious when Technoblade crushed False's skull with his bare hand. Her flesh and brains had splattered across the room, some even landed on X's armor. He kept replaying that moment in his head. It was his fault his hermits had suffered so much. This time he wouldn't ignore anymore threats. He would make sure that his hermits would never suffer AGAIN.

There was movement in the woods around him.


Doc had a long day ahead of him. They all had a long day ahead of them. He, Ren, Light, and Beth gathered around the center of The Octagon.

"Alright Light," Doc said. "I'm going to throw some stuff at you and we'll see how you react."

Light nodded. Beth still looked concerned but she held her tongue. She knew Doc's intelligence would be the key to getting further in their investigation.

With the flip of a switch, Doc triggered a hatch in the floor to open up, revealing a bubble elevator. A zombie shot through it. It was wearing a leather helmet to keep it from burning as it shambled forward.

Light drew her iron sword but Doc quickly pulled out a crossbow and shot the sword out of her hands.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Beth shouted.

"My theory is that Light reacts to stress," Doc countered.

"I'M about to react to stress!" Beth said as she rolled up her sleeves.

"This is a controlled experiment. Light, just use your skills."

Light readied herself to punch the zombie but the thought of touching its peeling skin with her bare fist made her visibly sick. She began to hyperventilate as her vision turned blurry. Right there on the floor, Light passed out.

Doc wasted no time in firing his crossbow once more to knock the hat off the zombie, causing it to burst into flames and crumble into a pile of rotting flesh.

Beth and Ren ran over to Light to help her up. She woke up immediately. Beth gently kissed her forehead, relieved.

Doc's mind raced. Everyone's killed a zombie in their lives. Why was it that when Light's fight or flight response was supposed to kick in, she chose faint. What was different from this encounter versus the one with the mysterious man? Of course! Nature! She created a tree which was nature and this whole facility was artificial.

"I have a new theory!" Doc explained.

"No more THEORIES!" Beth shouted at him.

Light gently patted her hand.

"'s okay," Light said. "We have to do this."

Beth looked concerned, rightfully. Doc wouldn't tell them, but he was desperate to remember what The Abyss did to him.

"Alright everyone! We're moving the testing OUTSIDE today!"


Scar was the greatest salesman in the multiverse. This was an indisputable fact. After the failed Wither fight, Scar redonned his red overcoat and his massive red top hat. He didn't need a beacon to build his headquarters. He would become the richest and most powerful hermit this time. He laid out his foundations for the Swagon.

The Hermitcraft Story Book 2: Deeper DownWhere stories live. Discover now