Chapter 9: Buy at Boatem!

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Grian put in the last glass pane to cover up the creeper habitat. He just managed to cover it before the creeper had enough time to explode. The creeper relaxed and began to rome around the front of his newly rebuilt store.

He and Scar wiped the nervous sweat from their brows. The third time was the charm. They had done it. The creeper was in the storefront and Grian was now the proud owner of one of the rarest monsters in the world.

That was when Mumbo Jumbo flew past them.

"BOATEM ASSEMBLE!" he shouted.

Normally it was Grian who called the meetings, but this was an order directly from the C.E.O. and he was not about to ignore it.

Minutes later, all of Boatem was around the Boatem hole. Impulse looked slightly ruffled to have stepped away from his rapidly rising factory.

Pearl looked like a wreck. She had bags under her eyes and her hair had become frizzy. It looked like she hadn't slept in days even though they had only seen her yesterday. And come to think of it, they hadn't seen Gem in WEEKS.

Before Grian could drive this G Train of thought any further, Mumbo Jumbo dropped down in front of them.

"I would like to introduce to you: WHERE ALL THE COMPANY'S MONEY WENT!" Mumbo shouted.

"Wait, what?" Grian said

His protests were interrupted as Mumbo placed down a lever and flipped it to reveal a massive underground bunker. The hermits traveled inside the white quartz bunker to find several donkey pens.

The donkeys were dressed up with bright purple helmets that had the black tail of a formula one race car attached to the back. The donkeys had yellow lighting bolts painted onto their sides.

"I present to you: COMPANY CARS!" Mumbo shouted once more.

The hermits were impressed. In their minds, the money was well spent.

Everyone hopped onto their designated donkey as Mumbo opened up the stables and held up a jukebox.

"LET'S RIDE!" Mumbo shouted.

The hermits rode their donkeys across Boatem, sharing a laugh.

"What do we do with them now?" Scar asked.

"We convince people to buy at Boatem!" Mumbo exclaimed.

With those words, their C.E.O. charged across the land and his employees followed. They marched themselves into Cub's Canyon.

Cubfan 135 was a dedicated builder and highly intelligent. He always wore a pair of jeans with a white lab coat. This time he was building up a massive canyon in its own biome that he made from scratch. Dripstone spikes jutted out from the orange stand that covered the surrounding hills. Several rooms were carved into the side of the mountain to serve as his actual base.

The members of Boatem charged into his canyon. A jukebox blaring an annoying song drowned out the boisterous group. As Cub emerged from his base to continue expanding the sand, he nearly had a heart attack from the shock.

"BUY AT BOATEM!" The group took turns shouting. "BUY AT BOATEM!"

"WHAT?!" Cub returned. "Buy WHAT?!"

The group did not have an answer for him because as quickly as they arrived, they left and laughed as they perched their rides on the side of a hill overlooking the canyon.

"Look, guys, I got his bed." Scar said, dragging Cub's bed behind him as he approached the others.

"No Scar, we're not stealing beds. Give that back," Mumbo said.

The Hermitcraft Story Book 2: Deeper DownWhere stories live. Discover now