Meeting Loona

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I want to thank @Allura_887 for this request 


I was sitting in my room listening to music as I was cuddling with my cats. My phone started ringing I look at it and see it's :.

Y/n: Hey Blitzø what's up

Blitzø: Hey Princess I wanted to inform you are now a Aunt congratulations

Y/N: *gives a look of WTF at the phone* what do you mean I'm Aunt who is the mot--- 

Blitzø: I mean adoption I have a daughter now so come over to my place and come and meet her*hang up the phone*

Y/N: This is has to got be a top 10 craziest things he has every done

As I got out of bed and walked to the lobby of the hotel where my sister and her new girlfriend Vaggie was as well discussing redemption. Vaggie has been around our hotel for an almost a year and she has been dating my sister for 2 months. I smiled at the scene and informed both of what is going on and went on my merry way. Right as I got to Blitzø place I knocked on the door and Blitzø answered

Blitzø: Hey their is Aunt Y/N Loonie come say hi to your Auntie

Loona: It's Loona

As I walked into the room I was expecting an imp child not an grown Hellhound  as I walked she seems to be occupied with her phone

Y/N: Oh...this is...Hi Loona it's nice to meet you

Loona decided to look up and she was shocked to see that her new "dad"  is friends with the youngest princess of hell and she drops the phone and nervously starts talking.

Loona: Uh nice to meet you too Princess

Blitzø: Well you girls chit chat I will be right back I need to go to the store and buy some shit 

As Blitzø closes the door their was silence for a solid 5 minutes between the girls but Y/N started the conversation

Y/N: I like your top 

Loona: Uh thanks um....I'm sorry this is really weird for me

Y/N: no I get it some here to.......So uh how do you like here 

Loona: Uh I okay I mean I was't month away from being 18 I could lived on my own instead of that shithole shelter

Y/N: oh sorry about that hey you said your birthday is in a month why don't we do something together I know some really good shops and spas and me being the princess I get discounts

The girls smiled at each other and started laughing together Loona though to hear self maybe this won't be so bad

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