Meeting Blitzø for the First Time

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I want to give a shout out to @Allura_887 for giving me this idea.

I want to give a shout out to @Allura_887 for giving me this idea

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Blitzø P.O.V

I was running I didn't know where but I had to go it was all my fault. I didn't mean for this to happen I lost everything Fizz, Barb....Mom. Mom I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen. Dad told me to go and never come back he wished I wasn't his son. I'm in so much pain and I'm so tired. I just want to sleep and rest and I need booze for this pain it can numb it. I don't know where I am but I know I just collapse on the group and I couldn't fight the sleep anymore.

(Right before Blitzø passes out a young girl with a backpack was walking home from the park with a bag of supplies. This was a young Y/n she saw on the news of what happened so she went down and help as much as she can. When the ambulance can they told her they can handle it from her and thanked her for helping. She felt her phone buzzing and looks at it to see Charlie)

Y/N: Hey sis

Charlie: Hey lil sis are you on your way home

Y/N: Yea I left when the ambulance came I still have some left over supplies I thought we can use them for the next extermination in 5 months

Charlie: Yea good idea I'm just setting up a plan for the hotel

(Before she can talk back she heard a loud thump coming from the ally)

Charlie: hey are you ok

Y/N: I think I heard something stay on the line just in case

(As she looks she sees an imp on the ground she was about to turn away and leave him because she though he was drunk or high but she looked again and looked at his outfit and realized he was one of the circus performers )

Y/N: Oh no Charlie come quit near 2 miles away from the circus fire one the performers is passed out

Charlie: I'm on my way see what you can do*she hangs up*

(Y/N runs over and turns him gently to see there severity of the burns as she is turning him Blitzø wakes up and sees Y/n but it's a little fuzzy she looking at him concern)

Y/N: Hey are you okay

Blitzø: HHHmmm

Y/N: Hey hey it's okay your okay I'm just gonna fix you

Blitzø: Nnnnnooooo Pain

Y/N: I know it hurts but if left untreated it will get worse

(Blitzø limply move away from her. As Y/n grabs a needle full of Morphine)

Y/N: I have something to make you feel better (she sees he doesn't trust her) I know your scared and don't trust me but I want to help...I think you need a friend my name Y/n Princess of hell what about you

(Blitzø was shocked to hear not wondering if it's true once his vision cleared he saw her and shocked he was handing her his arm but he hesitated but reluctantly away and she puts the needle in and Blitzø for the first felt relief)

Blitzø: Thank you

Y/N: Your welcome kid

Blitzø: Blitzø that's my name

Y/N: Blitzø? Nice name can I call you Blitz with a silent O

(They laugh as he allowed her to banged him up they talked for a few minutes when Charlie come by with the car)

Y/N: My sister is here we are going to take you to our place to fix you up more we have better medication for you their (she stands and helps him stand ) lean on me okay

(As they walk to the car and the drive to building the would be the hotel. They carry Blitzø to the a table and started to heal him as they finished they let Blitzø rest and give him a meal)

Y/N: how have you been feeling

Blitzø: Better your you for um caring for me when I didn't want it

Y/N: It's okay I get it look um you had this with you when you passed out (she pulls out his mom necklace and give it to him) If you want you can stay here and go back to the circus I'm sure

Blitzø: NO no my dad made that very clear

Y/N: Daddy issues same here if want you want you can stay here and when your all healed up we can look a place for you stay and find some work for you

Blitzø: your very kind your majesty I though you be this blue blooded nosey girl with a thirsty for blood but your different

Y/N: I'll take that as a compliment no one has been that honesty to me so what are going to do now

Blitzø: I don't know I still want to to perform but I want to run my own business

Y/N: That's amazing an imp having his own business you be the first

Blitzø: maybe I can hire you(he looks at her and she is surprised and he look terrified) I mean if you don't want to I don't know why I said that

Y/N: No it's okay I think you make a great boss Blitz who know maybe one day you will hire me

Blitzø: Yea who knows

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