1.5 (part one)

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 "Mommy!" Adisa jumps on the bed. Her excited screams made me groan from having to wake up so suddenly. I sit up in bed looking at a fully dressed Adisa with her hair neatly done. I was confused because I didn't remember waking up and changing her. "Mommy today is the children's festival. Grandma says we have to leave soon because if we don't leave now then it's going to be hard to find parking."

"Adisa did you get yourself ready?" Her face frowns as she stops jumping on the bed. She walks over to me and buries her face into my chest being dramatic but I wait for her to answer my question. When her tiny chubby arms cling around my neck, and I still didn't hear a reply I decided to ask again. "Adisa! Who got you ready?"

"Grandma woke me up this morning; she said we had to be very quiet so we wouldn't wake you up. I didn't want to leave you mommy but she gave me an offer I couldn't refuse." I looked at Adisa in disbelief.

"And what was the offer you couldn't refuse?" Adisa only giggles loudly. She hugs me closer and starts kissing me around my face. "Adisa" She was going to give me hell when she got older. Whenever she didn't want to answer a question she would butter me up with her affection and hope I wouldn't ask her again. My baby was advanced and I knew and understood that, but some things she had learned would often amaze me because I couldn't understand where she learned it from. When she realized I was expecting an answer. She stopped; taking a deep breath, and stared deeply into my eyes.

"Grandma Calloway said if I am nice to everyone today then I can have whatever I want at the festival. She also said that Grandma Samuel will buy me a lot of things to. So with that being said mommy. I'm going to allow them to play with me." I didn't want them to bribe Adisa. I could see now they were only teaching her bad habits that I would have to break once we got back to Texas.

"Why are you calling your grandma's by their last name?" I wonder, but she just giggles loudly.

"I am being polite. I don't know these people mommy, and-"

"Adisa, They are your grandparents; they aren't strangers." She only frowns at me.

"Mommy hurry and get dressed so we can leave." Adisa leaps from my lap and off the bed as she begins pulling my arm to make me stand." I decided to play a trick on her.

"Oh no!" I scream loudly as I fall back on the bed. "Mommy has forgotten how to walk and I can't move my legs" I fan myself dramatically. "Help me!" I fake cry out as she hops back on the bed.

"Mommy what happened?" Adisa asks horrified

"Mommy doesn't know, but everything hurts" I try not to laugh but I couldn't help it. I lift my head and look at Adisa's face which makes me laugh loudly, but I quickly cover it up with more fake crying.

"Don't worry I will save you!" Adisa races out of the room. I stopped laughing, and placed my hands under my head and closed my eyes. I needed to take a quick shower and get dressed but I was so comfortable I didn't feel like moving. I could hear Adisa's tiny footsteps run back into the room. I waited for her to climb back onto the bed and once she did I would bring her into a loving hug, and then go and get ready. I laid there not moving as I felt the bed dip and when I felt her hover over me I grabbed her and hugged her close to my body. Only she felt heavy. Like a full adult, kind of heavy. "Please save my mommy. I love her." My eyes flung open and Ian was on top of me. I never yelled so loudly in my life. I was shocked and just plain embarrassed.

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