1.5 (Part Two)

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Was coming here a mistake? I didn't want to believe I made a mistake, but being here made me realize why I stayed away so long. Between Adisa looking at her own family as mere strangers, and Ian trying to fix a friendship that never existed. I wonder if this could have all been avoided if I just never came back? Adisa and I were driving around the airport lost and confused. between texting, calling, even face timing we were closer to getting to him, but I kept feeling anxious. This uncertainty couldn't be fixed. Luke had texted me that he was waiting outside the terminal now since I was having such a hard time finding him.

"I'm sorry." I heard Adisa say

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I don't like it. You know mommy doesn't allow you to speak to adults in a disrespectful manner." I look into the rearview mirror looking right at her while she pulls on her chubby tiny fingers. Her eyes cast down and I knew she felt bad for how she was behaving. I focus back on the road and turn into the terminal.

"Mommy, please don't tell uncle Luke. I don't want him to know I was being sad." Sad was a term I used when Adisa would do something she was not supposed to do.

"And why don't you want me to tell him?" I asked her as we pulled up to the curb.

"Because then uncle Luke won't become my daddy." I wasn't taken back from her admission; she believed that if she acted a certain way; or did anything wrong then Luke wouldn't be her father. This thought alone made me feel sad. I didn't want my daughter to depend on an unrealistic ideal. Before I could even respond the passenger door swung open. Luke poked his head inside the passenger side, his warm smile fading into concern as he glanced between Adisa and I.

"Little one! Why do you look so sad? " Adisa started to cry loudly as soon as the question was asked. She buried her face in her chubby hands as the tears melted into her palms. "What have you done to my baby? I will be sitting in the back." With that Luke closed the door and opened the back door. I popped the truck and allowed him to grab his things so we could go. "Give me five seconds and I will be right back." He caressed Adisa's cheek. I watched as he slung all his bags and luggage in the truck of my suv. Within five seconds just like he had stated he was in the back seat with Adisa. "What happened, sweetheart?" Luke asked gently, his hand rubbing Adisa's back in a soothing motion. We started driving back to my parents house and I could only watch in the rearview as he confronted my baby. A part of me wanted to make things official with Luke so Adisa could have a father, but the other part was scared that if we got together and broke up I would lose him forever.

"Today, Mommy and I went to the children's festival, and I was sad." I could hear her broken voice say to Luke as I merged onto the highway. I wanted to comfort my baby right now but I knew that I had to drive us home. Once we arrived at my parents house I was going to give her a bath and tell her how much she means to me.

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