chapter 21

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Author pov

Some time ago

Kim's are sitting at talking with eachother. A gaurd come and spoke.

G - boss we are under attack.

He said and all of them get up taking their wepones.

They start fighting but someone hold Lisa putting gun at her head.

Men - put your guns dow or she will die.

He said.

They put their guns and down and someone hitted them from back.

They all fall unconscious.

Kim's pov

We open our eyes and found our selfes in unknown dark dirty room. We all are tied on chairs.

Jin - yn where is she.

Tae - she went to mall to buy some personal stuffs.

Tae said they sign in relief thinking she is safe.

We are mafias we can Baer the pain as mafias but she can't.

Door open reveling a men..

Men - I only want kim taehyung urff mafia king V. But got the whole family. Let's end the family then mafia king.

He said with smirk.

He point gun at jin and put finger on trigger and......

*gun shoot*


A girl brust open the door and spoke.

Women 2 - queen someone kidnapped Kim's

She get from her chair and..

Queen - tell our team and gaurds we are going to save them.

She growl and she went out.

Queen - you did biggest mistake red spider for kidnapping them. She will eat you all alive.

Said with smirk.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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