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Hey lovely people it's me !!!!!
Please vote and comment ur opinions it really matters to me and gives me a reason to express my imagination ✨
And to get you butterflies is my task 😙
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(2nd yr of college)

Vaidehi's POV
Tomorrow is the first day of college well not exactly first day but first day of second yr I should say.

Everyone says 'school and college life's are best' no I do not feel that. I've been noticing since childhood and it's always the game of fame!! played by the youths.

They say 'everyone are born with some qualities' no they all got a special chance to which they worked hard and became specialised in it.

I'm different...... My thinking's are different.
Well I'm not changing myself...

I hate all of them who prefer looks over personalities, like why the heck they say do not judge a book by it's cover and then they judge a person by their outer figure seriously... This society have made some beauty standards and wants every living being to follow it as if we are the Robots following their traditions with close eyes...

And then they say "Think out of the box".

The biggest example is my college girls and DEV AGRAWAL famous just because of looks WOW.

I hate him...

*Another day*

I woke at 5:30 went for a jog, then bathed went to temple near my hostel, cooked for myself had breakfast while listening music then got ready for college.

I was in the path to college when I heard a fading voice shout my name I turned to see Nandini.

A/N : Nandini is vaidehi's friend, nandani thinks as she's vaidehi's best friend but vaidehi do not consider her as that. (You'll know the 'reason' why!?)They met in college first yr in a fest when vaidehi casually went to talk in a group and then nandani asked her not to be with them cause she doesn't like them and all and all. Vaidehi's good to everyone cause she thinks 'everyone have a good face it's just their past which ruins it'.

"Heyyyyyyyy" she roared huffingly.

"Hiiiii gurl" I spoke trying to show the same excitement.
"I'm soooo excited it's the first day of college and there are more handsome boys who came to our batch" she delivered.

"Well that's nice" I spoke not knowing what to react.

"It's nice NO babe IT'S AMAZING who knows you find your FIRST and 'THE one' today"she murmured by forcing on some words.

"Oh c'mon you know my place is in arrange marriage"
"Shut up vaid, lemme state you'll have an love marriage and he'll be really handsome with everything you prefer in a man to be with and you'll meet him today for sure" she stated.

Now this was very big...

I do not know what to say so I simply said "thank you nand"

I do not know my fate but I really pray you get my happiness too. Love you babe !!

Some more PPL came and we talked for some time going through corridors finding for our classes as me and nand where in the same class.

Then the topic of DEV AGRAWAL came by riddhima.

"He's in your class, I mean I would have literally died if he would be in mine" she said.

Seriously what's there to die in it like what the fucks wrong with her...but I'll not say anything I do not want to make rivals on the very first day.

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