~The Enemies~

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Hey lovely people,
I'm back 😙

Please vote 😤.
Vaidehi's pov
7th of April,
Sunday and my birthday wohooo !!!

Which is forgotten by everyone just like last year.
it's 3 p.m. right now so it's possible everyone will remember till evening...

I'm feeling as if I am the worst person ever existed from 3 days since I said all that shit to Dev.

He's hurt.

And it's hurting me a lot,

Where the hell my brain was when I said those harsh words to him,

I've lost many friends of mine before, but dev and I were never friends, we never had any bond or anything.

Who am I to say all that to him.

He has changed he distanced himself from everyone I do not know why it's hurting me deep in my heart.

But I want to talk to him, apologize about every word of mine, I want to tell him that I was wrong, I was wrong all time what he was, was something he deserved to be, his friends whom I blabbered about atleast they admire him, unlike mine who do not even give a shit about my presence...

Today I'll apologize.

I've been thinking about this for 2 days I did not get the courage to do so.

I've been noticing him He has changed a lot nowadays just because of me.
My Harsh words specifically.

He does not talk to people, he's been ignoring me and the main thing which is hurting me are his eyes.

Those beautiful black eyes have swelled up, as if he has been crying...

I hurted a very sensitive part of his unintentionally,

*We're alone in my room right now, and completing the designing part I sketched and we're colouring now...*

And it's the best time to say sorry to him, I know it will not fix anything but I've heard somewhere communication really helps a lot. At least I can gather a piece of him which is firmly broken.

"H-he-ey" I stammered

"What" he said emotionlessly
You called him a cold blooded animal, now what's wrong in him being that huh ?

"I-I w-want-ed to   lkabout sssomething" I stammered again,

"Whatt ??" he asked

"I wantedtotalkaboutsomething" I said in a one go.


"I'm listening" he said coldly, continueing his work.

Atleast look at me please.

"Listen, Dev I'm sorry I'm really very very sorry, I never ever wanted to hurt you by my words, it was just.(I took a pause) Drishya said all that to nandan so I couldn't stop myself I'm-"

"You meant it, you meant every word vaidehi, do not try to hide your true intentions, I know you never liked me but it doesn't give you any right to say anything about my personal life, well not at all about whom I should be friends with and whom not with, what my personality should be like and what not like, if I have to be a cold blooded animal or a sensitive cute little witch, you're no one to tell me"  he said he was hurt very hurt.
What did you do vaid.

"I'm really sorry dev, I-a-I yes I meant it, I meant every single word of mine, I was in my senses, I admit but I never ever wanted to be this harsh dev, I'm really sorry dev, 'maaf kardo mujhe', please dev, you have started distancing yourself from people and it's just because of me. Please don't be upset like this, please forgive me Dev I swear I'll think thousands of times before saying anything, please forgive me dev, please stop ignoring me  and everyone dev, please be like you used to, Stop behaving this coldly I know you're being like this just because of me, I know I'm no one to tell you what you should do or what you should be like, trust me I never ever wanted to interfere in you're life-''
He cutts me in middle

"But you already did vaidehi" this time he looked straight in my eyes,

A lone tear fell from my eye,(hopefully he didn't notice) I felt as if my vocabulary forgot how to frame words all of a sudden, I could feel myself turning cold ultra level cold, my hands started shivering, I felt as if my heart broke, he was nothing just a stranger for me, and yaa whatever I said was really very hurting.

I have to do something about it,

Wait he can be sad because he and Ayushi breaked up but I never saw them in real 'love' or something, so how is it affecting him that much...

Ahhhh, communicate vaidehi, communicate****

"Dev I'm really sorry talk to me please, tell me what's wrong, I know I hurt you, I hurted something in you which was already hurt tell me dev what is it-" I said walking towards him and sitting on the carpet, in front of him.

"It's nothing, vaidehi forget it"

"No tell me dev, tell me everything you're suffering from and every single details dev, what's wrong with you why are you being like this-"

"It's my personal matter vaidehi, I do not want to share anything, and not to you of course" he said and this hurted me very badly...

"I'm sorry dev, I'm really sorry-"

"Can you please SHUT UP and maintain distance please" he said almost shouted.

"You're being very rude dev"

"Yep this is what I am like, remember 'cold blooded animal' that's how I am" he said

Again hurting me,

"I'm sorry dev" I said with tears in my eyes.

*Eye contacting with dev*

He softened,

"Ummhm listen, listen (inhaling harshly, with trembling lips) it's okay, hmm it's okay I forgot you already, it's not because I'm being like this, it's because I'm liking to be like this... And you know, no one cared to notice, and I know you're noticing this change just because you wanted to apologize, I'm not upset vaidehi, I'm just frustrated with everything now... leave me like everyone always did Vaidehi, I'm good it will take some time for me to recover but I'll be fine" he said.
His each and every word was showing how much he's been taking in his heart I wanted to ask him all the things I want to  take his every pain, I do not know but this is something in me I've always wanted, from my child hood I've only prayed to god to take everyone's pain, and this time the reason of someone's pain was me.

I am the reason of his pain...

"I've heard somewhere that 'the dwellness of negatives simply restrains it's power' care to share" I said trying to be bold.

"No vaidehi you do not need to hear anything, listen as I said I just need some time and I'll be okay ??" he said,

I do not know but I felt as a fool to think him as an atitudic person , he was never...  

"I get you that you need time, but promise me you're not gonna cry for any of that shit you're dealing with and ruin those beautiful eyes of yours" I said,

"I hope you haven't developed feelings for your enemy !?" he said teasingly.

"you aren't my enemy " I said assuring.

"Ohh really, you didn't answered my question !?"

"I'll answer it once you tell me what are you sad for"  I murmured.

"Well, I do not know about you but I do have feelings for you, and that will always make you My biggest enemy "He said.

"Huhh ??? Whatt ??"  I asked not understanding what he's trying to say.

He smirked and started leaving...
*Time skip*
10:00 p.m.

A/n :- vaidehi's sitting in college library, crying.


1300+ words !!!

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