~The Project~

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Mee again !!!!
Lemme tell you there would be many grammar mistakes you can tell me in comments and I'll edit it 😅

Koi kaam chor nhi bolega

*Physics class*

"Group-7,Ayushi Sharma, Dev Agrawal, Dhruv Arora, Rashi Mittal and Vaidehi Agrawal"

Woww, I knew this teacher had a personal issue with me, ohh Kanha why is it always me whyyyyy !!???

"Please tell me your Last year's CGPA to select a leader"

Ayushi Sharma :- "3.6 CGPA"

if I would have get that my parents would have thrown me out till now...

Dhruv Arora :- "7.2" as he said this he saw me, ummm for !???
Do he have a crush on me I've been noticing from day one... And this is the fourth, he never leaves a chance to be with me.

You never know...

Rashi Mittal :- "6.4"

"How about you vaidehi ?" Professor asked.
I know he thinks I can't even pass
"9.3 CGPA sir" I said directly looking into his eyes with a small curve on my lips.

He made that eye contact with an O on his lips.
"That is something I didn't expected from youu, then I guess your friend is in loss"

Wait nooooo

"What is your name"he asked looking at nandani.

Why is he making her my academic rival ???

What do I do wrong,

Did I Fucked her wife or something.

Wait whatttttt !!!!! I'm a girl uhhh sadly...

I said stop laughing with nand on double meaning jokes...see the results now.

Aaaaaa my mind is fighting but the question is with WHOM ?????

"Nandani, sir" she said

"How much did you scored ??" He asked

"6.7 CGPA" she slowly said.

"Are you sure you being friends with the right person, Next Dev"

We sat.
Awkward silence
But was she taking it seriously !!??
I always asked her if she wanted any help from me or wants to study together so why now ?????
C'mon yaarrrr
"9.7 CGPA Sir" Dev said.

What The Hell was thattttt
Howwww ??

He really have hidden something there..

I am shocked but am more by seeing how nand is responding.

I couldn't take it in so I asked...

"Hey, you okay??"

"Yes ofcourse, you really think he can come in btw us though I'm Lil dull because he putted Drishya in my group"

Ooooooo yesss this is the reason I got her.

A/n :- Drishya is Nandani's ex and Dev's Best friend.

"Hey love, listen you do not have to think about him okay he's just an past of yours and I'm not letting you give him the powers to change your present, I know the things will be very awkward but try to maintain distance with him and be you like you always are 'MY SAVAGE NAND' if you let him control you lemme tell you I'm going straight away to jerk him off and will give you his body packed in a refrigerator, OKAY ???" I said

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