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It was early morning, and I felt the weakness creeping in. I might not have slept at all the previous night, but I didn't care.

My mind was still buzzing from the events that had transpired. Even after His Highness, Mr. Hridhaan Singhania, oh-so-graciously escorted me back to my humble room, I couldn't stop thinking about Vrit's marriage.

To Samaira.

Talk about destiny and fate.

I tried to avoid the fact that Samaira was here, and that I'd be seeing both her and Vrit after two whole years.

It was surreal, and instead of focusing on the turmoil, I found it all incredibly ironic and a little funny.

How had we ended up here?

The early morning chatter in the kitchen was a welcome distraction. I was one of the first to arrive, but today, instead of feeling dull, I felt slightly better.

Maybe it was the events from yesterday or maybe I was just too preoccupied with the thoughts about Samaira and Vrit.

"Good morning, chef," I greeted Nanda, the head cook, with a bit more cheer in my voice than usual.

She responded with her typical grunt and a clipped "morning," barely looking up from her morning prep.

A few other helpers were bustling around, preparing for breakfast. Some glanced at me, offering small smiles, which I returned.

Others still looked wary, but I knew I was growing on them.

I'd spent enough time in the kitchen that they had started to accept my presence, even if they weren't exactly rolling out the welcome mat.

Muskan waved from across the room, her energy as infectious as ever. "Avya di, you're up early!" she called out, her voice full of enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but smile back at her. Muskan was like a burst of sunshine in this otherwise somber place.

I had already apologized to her for my rude words that day. She was only trying to help me, by bringing the food.

And Muskaan, being an empathetic person, told me that she understood my predicament.

"Couldn't sleep," I replied, shrugging. "Too much on my mind, I guess." I didn't want to go into details.

She nodded, her expression sympathetic. "Yeah, weddings can be like that. A lot of people, a lot of memories."

Weddings? I wasn't even invited to my own 'brother in law's' wedding. Not that I expected anything else from Tara Singhania.

The kitchen buzzed with activity, and I took a moment to soak it in.

Despite everything, I felt a sense of belonging here, among the clatter of pots and the hum of conversation.

It was like the calm before the storm—a brief moment of normalcy in a world that was anything but. But I knew it wouldn't last long.

I had a feeling the day ahead would bring more surprises, more questions, and perhaps a few more answers.

The kitchen's chatter quieted as a new presence entered. I looked up from my corner, curious about the sudden shift in atmosphere.

Heads turned, and I saw Samaira walking in, looking flushed and slightly out of breath, as if she was in a hurry.

"Oh," Nanda, the head chef, exclaimed in her usual plain tone. "You're early."

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