[01.] Carry on

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Julie laughed at the tightness of her band mates embrace. They were laughing and jumping around not letting go of each other. It seemed like if their hands slipped or their grip loosened up a bit, they wouldn't be able to touch again. And they wouldn't take that chance. They didn't know if they were crying because they were ready to say goodbye to each other or because at the end, they didn't.

"Man, I feel like a burden has left my body.", Luke shook his arms like he was getting rid of something. The others laughed as Reggie mimicked Luke's moves, "Yeap, it's definitely gone from mine too."

The blonde boy stared at his hands thinking he could still see the glow at the place the ghost's club mark used to be. He took a glance of his friend with fear written all over his face, "You know it's not over, right?"

Luke's eye fell into the girl that had just brought him back to life. He felt the places that she had touched earlier now burn, almost like begging to be touched again. Her sight caught him and she stared back with a grin, "Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together."

When Julie walked away from the studio that night, she kept thinking how she never wanted to leave them again. But a new, not so unpredictable, challenge was waiting for her upstairs. She sighed before she opened the door of her brother's room.

"Carlos, you awake?", she asked slowly entering the room. Her eyes immediately fell on a pretty familiar Cd with Sunset Curve written on top and next to it a leaflet with the boys faces.

Oh oh, she thought.

"I've been waiting for you.", Carlos stared at her as serious as he could. With this hand he patted the space beside him and with hesitant steps she sat there. She connected awkwardly her fingers trying to come up with an excuse even though she clearly couldn't.

"Let's cut to the point, I know about your little ghost band.", Julie's eyes widened, "What? What ghost band? You mean the holograms.", her voice had now turned into a pretty high pitch. He gave her a really? look so she just sighed, "Ah, fine. You got me. How did you even find out?"

"Yes!", he punched the air accepting his victory, "I knew we had ghosts in our house.", Julie rolled her eyes but a chuckle slipped from her mouth betraying her. Even though, she didn't want anyone to know, it felt good that she didn't have to lie to her little brother anymore. At least, her ghosts made sure of that.

"Please, don't tell dad. He is gonna send us both back to Dr. Turner.", she begged him and he stayed in silence for a bit , " They mean a lot to you, huh?", he asked already knowing the answer. "Yes, they do.", the boy nodded but he had already decided to not tell anyone about the ghosts that were now living in his house.

"By the way, that stunt they pulled when tia was here was amazing! When can I meet them?", Carlos had a wide smile on his face but Julie's eyebrows furrowed, "What stunt?", she asked with suspicion.

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