manicure (2)

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August 19, 2025
London, United Kingdom
12:33 PM

Travis Kelce bites his lip anxiously as he looks across the table, his eyes darting between Scott and Andrea Swift. He asked them both to lunch today, without Taylor knowing. He knows that's a risky thing that he did, but he has to talk to them. He told Taylor he was going out with an old buddy who was vacationing in London right now, and that she should stay home and get some rest for the concert. Yet here he is, sitting in the cafe as both of Taylor's parents look at him, trying to figure out just what is going on right now.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I invited you both to lunch... without Taylor..." Travis says, forcing a small laugh. He knows that both of the Swift parents approve of him- that's not something he's worried about. He just knows that they're confused, above all. And he knows that they don't like keeping secrets from Taylor- something which he asked them to do in being here this afternoon.

"I wanted to talk to you about something that's happening in a few days, after the London shows are over..." Travis continues. "I'm going to take Taylor on a little trip, just the two of us. We are just going to relax and she can catch up on sleep and we can spend some time in nature and... yeah, it'll be great. It's all a surprise for her."

"She'll love that," Andrea remarks, reaching out and placing a calming hand on top of Travis's on the table, to reassure him that everything is alright. She gives him a small smile. "Where are you taking her?"

"I have a chalet rented in Hallstatt... um, Austria. It's up in the Alps..."

"Oh yes, we know of Hallstatt," Scott nods. "It's meant to be lovely there."

"That's what I've heard," Travis says. "The pictures looked beautiful." He doesn't admit that he heard somewhere that it was one of the most popular towns in the whole world to get engaged in... but that was certainly part of the draw.

"Well," Scott says, "thank you for telling us that, but in the future... I mean, you can probably text that information, son," he says with a laugh. "No need to sneak around with it. I mean, as nice as it is to know her whereabouts, Taylor's an adult. It's not like we need to know every last detail of her life, or give her permission, or anything."

"No, I know that," Travis blushes. "It's just... there's one more thing that I want to do there... or, I want to ask you if I can do, I suppose. And I know it's another thing where... maybe I don't really need permission, but I really want to ask you. I really want to get it."

Andrea and Scott look at each other, their eyes wide. They're both thinking the same thing- is this the discussion they think they're about to have?

"So... um... I wanted to ask your permission to ask Taylor to marry me," Travis breathes, saying his words quickly, as if he just wants to get them out of his mouth and over with. "I'm going to do it... well, if you say it's alright, I guess... I want to do it on our first evening there. Then, we can just have the whole trip to celebrate the engagement... hopefully, I suppose. As long as she says yes." He doesn't know why he's so nervous. These people have become his second family over the last year that he's been with Taylor. He knows that they care for him as though he's one of their own. They love how happy he makes their daughter.

As soon as he says the first words of his rambling rant, the biggest smiles break out on the faces of both of the Swift parents. This is exactly what they'd been wondering about- and they're more than happy to give Travis the blessing that he is looking for. Andrea feels what can only be described as a wave of relief washing over her. She doesn't really know why, but she is sure that it has to do with the fact that she's watched her little girl go through so many heartaches, so many years of pain when it comes to dating. And now, it's all going to be over. It's like long overdue end of an era. Taylor has finally found exactly what she deserves: her happily ever after.

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