cocktail hour

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The young woman takes a deep breath as she lifts up her arm to knock on the door of Taylor Swift's apartment. She's spent lots of time with the superstar on tour, has been to a handful of parties with her... But this is the first time they've hung out one-on-one in a personal setting. This isn't Taylor's stadium dressing room. It's her New York City apartment. It all feels different, more intimate. And Gracie Abrams is nervous.

There's nothing new there. Gracie is nervous about just about everything, pretty much all of the time. It's a fatal flaw of hers. She doesn't seem to be able to do anything in a manner that can be described as "calm." still, somehow, as Taylor opens the door to her apartment with quite possibly the biggest smile that Gracie has ever seen, some of those anxieties melt right away. Sure, they've never really hung out in this setting, but it's still Taylor. The same Taylor who helped her through her terrible breakup a few months ago. The same Taylor who has been responsible for helping her to understand human emotions for as long as she can remember. Not only that, but who has given her the permission to feel those emotions time and again since long before the turn ever actually met.

That's a comforting thought. Gracie smiles right back at Taylor. She's going to be just fine tonight, she can tell.

"My little Grammy nominee!" Taylor exclaims, engulfing they young woman in a hug. "Oh my god, this is so exciting. How are you?"

Gracie lets out a little laugh. "You've had like a million Grammy nominations... there's no way you think it's that big of a deal."

"I've been nominated a lot, but my little sister has never been nominated before," Taylor says, squeezing Gracie tighter. "I'm so proud of you. It's so incredibly deserved."

Gracie smiles. "Thank you. That means a lot... it doesn't feel real, honestly. I mean, there's no way I'm gonna win but-"

"Don't say that," Taylor says, ushering Gracie into the apartment. "You're just as deserving as any of them. You've worked just as hard and you're such a brilliant songwriter."

Gracie feels her face grow warm as it flushes a deep red. "Thank you... coming from you... there's no bigger compliment in the world."

Taylor smiles. "So, I thought that we could have some drinks here before we head out... pre-game a little bit... reservations are at 7."

"That sounds great," Gracie says, tentatively sitting down on a pub chair at Taylor's kitchen island.

"What do you drink?"

Gracie laughs. "I'm not a huge drinker... Like, I drink, but I don't know all that much about different... like... alcohols?" She feels a blush creeping over her cheeks again. "Sorry..."

"Do you like cocktails?" Taylor says with a laugh. "I'll make you something... I've been dabbling in mixology lately."

"If Taylor Swift offers to make you a cocktail, I don't think you say no," Gracie blurts, letting out a nervous laugh.

Taylor smiles and wordlessly begins reaching into the cabinets to pull out some bottles. Gracie watches with wide eyes as Taylor pours and mixes the drink.

"Alright, here you go," she says, presenting Gracie with a glass after a few minutes. "This has got rosé, Aperol, seltzer water, and a bit of lemon juice... and the strawberries as a garnish. You'll like it," Taylor says, taking a sip out of her own glass.

Gracie presses the glass to her lips and takes a sip. "Oh my god, that's delicious."

"Oh, good," Taylor smiles. "Selena always asks me to make this one for her when she comes over."

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