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a short one, but i woke up to a text from laura telling me i should write this and i would do anything for her so of course i had to make it happen <3

a companion piece to 'fire'


Taylor's face lights up when Travis's front door swings open. She's so happy to see him- it's been far too long. Instantly, he holds out his arms and she runs into them. "Hey there baby girl," he says to her. " I missed you."

Taylor looks up, her chin pressed to his chest and her eyes meeting his. "I missed you so much."

He pulls out of their hug, moving his arm to cradle her torso and guiding her into the house, pulling the door shut using the hand that isn't holding his girl. "How have you been? How was everything in New York? Did you write any amazing new songs while you were up at Long Pond?" He pauses. "Just... tell me everything. I want to hear all of it."

A smirk grows on Taylor's lips. "Well... I guess the most noteworthy part was when Gracie and I almost died. But don't worry. I saved our lives."

Travis stops in his tracks, his eyes growing wide as he turns to look at Taylor, grabbing one of her hands in each of his own. "Tay, what do you mean? Are you okay?"

She laughs. "Yeah, we're fine. It was really crazy. It was like 6:00 in the morning and we'd been drinking all night and we were writing a song-"

Travis cuts her off with a soft, amused smile and the shaking of his head. "Of course you were. Hon, you need to sleep."

"It's fine; we were super drunk. We passed out and slept for so long the next day and made up for it," Taylor shrugs. "Anyway, we'd heard some weird noises a little bit earlier but I'd just figured it was my cats being... well, my cats. Then the fire alarm started to go off."

"Jesus Tay," Travis mutters. "Was there damage?"

"My purse and shoes were the casualties, but that was from the fire extinguisher," Taylor says. "The flames were all contained. I'd just been a dumb ass and left a candle burning and it somehow got out of control. I don't really know."

"But you got it out?" he asks. "Thank god you knew how to use the fire extinguisher."

"Weeelllll...." she laughs, "not exactly. It was... a learning experience for both of us. But Gracie got the whole thing on video."

Travis squeezes his eyes shut, cringing at the words that Taylor is saying. "You mean to tell me that your apartment was about to go up in flames and Gracie's first instinct was to film it?"

The blonde woman shrugs. "I don't know, that's what the kids do. Besides, like I said, it was all contained. It's fine. Now I have the whole thing on video so that you can laugh at it. Come on." She tugs on Travis's arm and pulls him over to the sofa, sitting down and tucking her legs up underneath her. He sits down beside her, placing his hand on the side of her head, indicating for her to rest it on his shoulder. She gladly does so, pulling up the video on her phone. "Look. I was a hero."

Travis can't help but laugh as he watches the video. "Babe," he says when it's over, "you called an inanimate object a 'bitch' because you were using it wrong."

"Hey!" Taylor protests. "I was putting it in its place. It worked after that."

Travis only laughs, lightly rubbing her arm. "Can you please send me that video?"


"Because that way, when I miss you, I can watch it and see just how hot my girlfriend is when she's saving the day," he winks at her. A blush creeps across her cheeks as she squeals, bringing her knees up to her chest, making her body as small as possible as she snuggles up beside Travis.

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