what did they think? (2)

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Travis looks in the mirror, straightening out his tie and taking in a deep breath of cool air. The day is finally here. He's finally getting married.

He's dreamed about this day since he was just a boy, dreamed about finding the most perfect woman and falling in love, spending the rest of his life with her. It wasn't ever a desire that he vocalized as a kid. He was too afraid that he'd be made fun of, told he needed to 'man up.' But as he got older, he embraced it. He has a lot of love in his heart and wants to share it. It's always been true.

He just isn't quite sure how he got lucky enough that the woman he gets to share it with is Taylor Swift herself. Yet he knows that in another room of this hotel, she's with all of her friends, stepping into a white dress, surely gorgeous, and having her hair curled in soft waves over her shoulders. He knows that she's out there, as giddy as he is, willing the clock to move faster, for the time to come where their lips can meet and they can be married.

One of his groomsmen, Patrick, comes up and hands Travis a glass of water. "You about ready to head downstairs?" he asks. "We're getting close."

Travis nods, gulping down the water in all one sip. "Let's do it."

Patrick smiles. "You ready?"

"I've never been so ready for anything," he says. Patrick nods. He knows his friend well enough to know how true that is. Travis is a confident guy. He's a natural-born leader, something that Patrick knows very well, from working with him to take the Chiefs all the way to each Super Bowl they've won. And he doesn't lie, or shy away from his feelings. When he's nervous about something, it shows. But he's not nervous about marrying Taylor, because he's so completely sure that she's the one.

Patrick likes to take credit for the whole thing, really. After all, he was the one who had convinced Travis in the first place that it would be fun to show up to the Eras Tour. They'd been in his private suite at Arrowhead Stadium. Patrick and Brittany had been the ones to sit with Travis as his giant fingers fumbled with the tiny red and yellow pony beads, making bracelets that said things like "KANSAS CITY CHEIFS," "BIG YETI," and "CHIEFS ERA." Then, he'd looked at Patrick. "I want to make one for Taylor."

The man had only laughed. "Yeah, right. Like you'll be able to get it to her."

"Hey," Travis had protested, "I have some pull at Arrowhead. The guys all like me there." He'd announced that he was making a bracelet with his phone number on it, then picked out the beads from the bag. That was that. Patrick thought he'd never hear about it again, after that night at the show, when Travis had been viciously humbled by the security guards, who had clapped him on the back and told him that while it had been a good try, they'd had strict orders: no backstage pass, no getting backstage.

It was a bummer. Sure, Travis had pouted for a few minutes during MUNA's set, but as soon as Taylor stepped on the stage, he was pretty much over it, moving on with his life. Until he got a text message from a certain someone who had heard about a friendship bracelet a few weeks later.

Travis had mentioned to Patrick that very next day, that Taylor had seen the podcast clip. They'd had a good laugh, and that was the last he'd heard of it, until early September, when Travis had pulled him aside at practice. "Hey, um... Taylor's in town," he'd said, rubbing his hand over his buzz cut. His words were spoken in a hushed tone. "Would you and Britt want to come over for a drink tonight?"

Patrick's eyes had widened. "Dude. You're not serious."

"No, uh, we've been talking for a while now, and she came to visit a few weekends ago, and uh... yeah, I asked her to be my girlfriend a few days ago. She's here a few more days and wants to meet my friends."

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