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Chapter Three: Communication Is Key

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Does he actually think this is going to work?

Mitchell shakes his head, his arms crossing as he glares at me from across the nurses' station. "You just really don't care, do you? Do other people's goals not matter to you?" His sigh carries the weight of disappointment and he turns his back on me as if he can barely stand to look at me.

Wow. He really does. And he's going all out too.

I have to give him credit. Mitchell is a lot of things, but he's not dumb. Screaming at me has never worked. Ignoring me only fires me up. But disappointment. This is new.

The problem with Mitchell is that he's a narcissist, and he assumes that just because we're fucking that I have feelings for him. He genuinely thinks I crave his validation. It would be cute if it wasn't so obvious.

This new attempt to get me to "behave" is pathetic at best, but I go along with it because at least for now, he is the bridge to the places I need to go.

"I do care about your goals. I know this is important to you."

The nurse tightens the bandage around my ankle, and I grimace at the pain that shoots up my leg. She raises an eyebrow. "It's not broken. You should be back to your usual self in no time."

Mitchell leans against the wall. "'Cause that's exactly what we need."

The nurse snickers at his stupid joke and bats her eyelashes like a schoolgirl with a crush. I don't attempt to hide my eye roll. Women melt around Mitchell, and yet he's sleeping with me because I don't.

Everything is a game to him. He needs to win me, and it drives him mad that he can't because I'm not a piece on his board. I'm the person who created the entire game.

The nurse's smile flattens as she hands me two pain pills. "Here." Even her voice lacks the spunk she just gave Mitchell.

"Thanks." I swallow the pills dry.

Mitchell turns on his smile for her. "Can you give us a second?"

Her smile is back. "Of course."

She saunters out of the room, and I try not to gag.

The instant the door closes, Mitchell's tone darkens. "Why do you have to make my life so difficult?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" So much for pretending to butter him up.

"Miranda, I'm trying to help you."

Right. I cross my arms and give him a deadpan look.

His brows furrow. "I'm serious. I know you want success in your career. I get you want to be part of things. But you're not going to get it by breaking the rules. This treaty is a huge deal. We intercepted some serious intel a few months back about the Schovali race."

This is news to me.

He keeps talking, not realizing I'm leaning into every word. "They need us more than you know."

This is fucking bullshit. Here I am, again being left out of things. When I took this job, I was told I was going to be given top-tier status. And yet, not only am I left out of meetings, but I'm not given imperative information like this.

Mitchell sights. "And the last thing Captain Cole needs is you disrupting this new relationship. The sad part is that you probably would have been invited to the signing if you hadn't acted like a child."

"You know what? You're right."

His expression breaks, shifting from anger to shock. It's a testament to my acting skills that I manage to push out my next words. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that today." I reach out, taking his hand in mine. "You just know so much, and I just admire you. And I want to work by your side."

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