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Chapter Five: The Tour

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"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" Standing in the hallway on the third floor, I cross my arms as Captain Cole avoids my gaze.

"Miranda. Please don't make this more difficult than it needs to be."

"Difficult? Who's being difficult? I just want to make sure I heard you correctly. You want me to give a tour of the ship to a member of the Schovali race?"

Cole scratches his head. "Is that really so bad? You're the one who wanted to be involved in this process."

He can't be fucking serious. This is rich. Here I am again being diminished. "Oh, please give me a little bit more respect than that. I want to be involved in the treaty signing. I'm an engineer, Cole. I'm not a damn hostess."

Cole's eyes narrow. "Miranda, it's not up to me who attends the treaty signing."

This is news to me. I search his face, looking for evidence of a lie, but knowing I won't find any. There's a reason Cole got to where he is. He's adept at manipulating people to get what he wants.

It's one of the reasons I admire him. It's also one of the reasons he drives me nuts.

"So, who decides who attends the signing?"

Cole leans in. "He does."

I blink. "He? Who's he?"

"The Schovali man you'll be giving the tour to." He glances down at his watch. "Listen we need to get moving. He's already waiting."

"He's here?"

"Yes, and if you want to be part of the signing so badly, then this is your opportunity to get there."

I can think of a few other ways to get there, blackmailing being at the top of my list. The Ghengors are back and not only does no one on the ship know, but Cole has been keeping this secret from them. Cole picks up on my thoughts.

"And if you're going to mention what you illegally overheard, please bear in mind, that the Schovalis have asked us to keep it a secret in order to avoid a panic."

"People have a right to know, Cole."

"And in due time, they will find out." His voice drops so low I have to lean in to hear him. "But right now, if you announce that the Ghengors are back, it could start a riot, and it could demolish our business relationship with the Schovalis.

I'm annoyed that he has a point.

"Miranda, you're one of the hardest working people I know. You chose this profession because you want to help people. You want to advance civilization. I understand that you feel taken advantage of, and I apologize for that, but we need to look at the bigger picture."

The bigger picture. I'm just a cog in a machine, one wheel that rotates, turning in circles to keep things moving. I hate how well Cole knows me. If I destroyed the possibility of humans formulating a relationship with the Schovalis, I'd never forgive myself.

Not to mention that it would probably destroy any future chance of a career in space.

I can only imagine the history books. "Americans almost befriended aliens until Miranda Chase destroyed it all." Cole is right. For once maybe I need to put my ego behind me. It's just a simple tour.

I can smile for an hour and put on some charm if it means getting to be at the treaty singing. History is in the process of happening, and I want to be on the right side of it.

"Fine. I'll keep the 'g-word' to myself."

"Great. Now why don't you go change and meet me on the meeting deck in twenty."

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