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Chapter Eight: Misunderstandings

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The golden glow emitted from my ship makes Miranda's pink skin turn a soft amber shade. It is quite becoming. Her head will not stop turning, eager eyes taking in everything.

"So do your doors have pressure sensors in the ground to know what you're approaching?" she asks me as I lead her toward the heart of the ship.

"No. The material you see is organic and has many senses in it. The doors have thermal receptors and will only open to beings of sufficient heat and mass. It is one reason we have trouble with robots. They don't produce the right heat signature."

Miranda stops to peer out a view port. "And this isn't glass, then?"

"It is made of a thick membrane that reflects the light from outside onto this side."

"That's amazing!"

I smile at her wonderment. "I am pleased you enjoy it. This way. I think you will like this."

I lead her through the final set of doors.

The room is far smaller than the "engine room" of the human vessel. It is clean, with the freshest air pumping from the large structure in the center. A green-blue orb hangs in suspension at the center of the room with vines of various color wrapped around it.

"What is this place?" she asks me, a note of excitement in her voice.

I clasp my hands behind my back. "This is the heart of the ship; it is what powers this vessel. I thought, since you are an engineer, you would wish to see how our structures differ from yours."

"It's so quiet. Our engines rattle your teeth but this is..." She turns shining eyes to me. "Can I touch it?"

I nod toward the heart. "You may study it as much as you wish."

She wavers for a moment, then rushes to the heart. Her face lights up as she inspects it and, with one glance back at me, she starts to probe the tissues. I walk around the heart to stand on the other side.

The fascination on her face makes warmth swell in my chest. She circles the heart, peering at it from every angle.

"The organics have neurons that only react to Schovali DNA, right?" she asks, touching one of the thin veins that snakes around the heart.

"Yes. It is my hope that with your help, we will be able to combine our organics and your metallics." I clear my throat and reach into the pouch at my waist. "As is our custom, I have gifts for you."

Miranda squints her beautiful brown eyes at me, the freckles on her nose scrunching together. "What for?"

I pull a small orb from the pouch. It pulses with soft lights, growing brighter as I turn it one way, then changing color as I turn it the other way. As Miranda takes it from me, her fingers brush against mine.

Her skin is warm. I'm not sure why I expected her to be cold, but perhaps it is because she is so pale. I step closer, letting my fingers linger against her skin. She appears pleased with the gift, so perhaps the humans' customary resistance is coming to an end.

I can't invite her back to my chambers, not when Dr. Mitchell informed me that I must claim her before speaking openly of such things. Am I supposed to take her into my arms right here and now?

My blood pulses as my gaze sweeps down her. Too much clothing. We both wear too much clothing. I want to see what her pleasure looks like.

But even as I step forward to take her into my arms, she suddenly drops the orb again. It drops to the floor and flares with a rainbow of colors before turning dark.

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